#空投确认 #空投 #空投大毛

Xiao Z’s current project

Contract exchange

Drift, link http://app.drift.trade/ref/zlove

zeta, link http://dex.zeta.markets/?r=DGfsSN (50 million tokens airdropped, can also be swiped)

category (2 Binance series)

Electric sheep, link http://pilot.ultiverse.io/?inviteCode=nXXey… Expected return, cost OPBNB is basically 0, ask for 5X



starrynift, link https://starrynift.art/home, expected return, cost 0.01B, ask for 10X profit

I won’t talk about Zks, L0 and the like (I’m afraid of back-profit)

linea hybrid project, I’m chasing

points system

magic, brush diamonds, expected return 5-10X

I may have forgotten some of the other things I brushed, to be supplemented

The projects I brushed, the tutorials are in the previous posts