[Market Research Report on April 15th - Analysts basically don't trade, and traders don't have time to Photoshop pictures every day. They may be forgotten, but after a long time, you will know who is playing the big shot. You come to the cryptocurrency circle to make money, so just execute the trading plan.]


1. BTC

BTC5.9 Ethereum 2800 starts, and you have to enter the trap, and the copycats are synchronized. I hope you were trapped yesterday [To say the most cunning method, the copycats make more profits and leave at cost. What can be determined about Ethereum is that even if the trap is broken, it will rebound. This trap is nothing more than falling back and leaving]

Let's talk about the day first. This time, a Fibonacci wave is pulled from 7.29 to 5.96, dividing the position, and combining the trend support, so today BTC supports 6.38 as long as it does not fall below, it can be seen as strong.

Pressure 6.76 6.85 7.1

I have repeated the big cycle many times, enter the market near 5.9, make up at 5.2, make up at 4.8, 4.2, and keep some to fill up at any time

As long as 5.9 does not fall below, the positions of the next two tops will remain unchanged and continue to be effective. Don't be bearish if it falls, and be bullish if it rises. This section of the game can make people lose money

You just need to be clear about it. As for the operation, it is not your consideration. Don’t think that there must be a position later. I will do it with all my positions, or I will not do it at all when I hear that there is a position below.

The script is different from the trading plan

If you have expectations and scripts, you will know how to hedge risks

The trading plan is made for risk hedging, just execute it


Ether gave two ideas before going to bed: 1.3096 short, 2B position of the right side pullback

2. Go out of the trend line and rebound

Intraday trend line determines strength and weakness, and falls back to 3090 support test. If it does not fall below 2988, the upper side is still under pressure near 3288

[15m short-term, look at the callback to test the support of 3090 2988 range] Note that I sent it at 8 o'clock in the morning, not at this moment

3. Copycat

Copycat has always emphasized the support of the daily and weekly levels, just do it.

Many have rebounded more than 30 points

This is a blessing, just make a profit and move the stop loss