I currently have 2 bots open and I personally don't usually make more than 4 trades a day.

I normally do this one hour a day, in which my strategy is to obtain between 3% and 10% profitability on what I trade (usually it is 1000usdt). But lately I have adopted the strategy of pulling shorts and longs of days, using the trading bot and thus the price of an asset rises or falls and makes purchases and sales without having to be on the lookout.

So tomorrow I will start uploading all the positions I open or close and the returns. Normally I close everything on profits, because it is very well said “you will never become poor by selling at profits”.

Sometimes our own greed of seeking returns of 5x or 10x in just a few weeks can affect us, and even more so if they use leverage, but I will try to open operations that do not need more than 100usdt, because I know that many people operate with little, just don't wait crazy returns, investments are a 42km marathon, not a 100m race.