Why I'm Against Futures or Buying and Selling Every Day for Short-Term Gains!

A few years ago, I conducted an experiment with my brother. Both of us are into crypto, and we used to argue a lot about long-term vs. short-term strategies.

The experiment went like this: he was trading every day, including futures and spot trading, and following big names on YouTube, "learning and studying" charts, etc. On the other hand, I was comfortably sitting in the spot without making any movements. I staked all my funds and didn't take any action with them.

This went on for two years straight for both of us. Fast forward to when we started drawing conclusions from our experiment. We discovered some interesting hidden truths:

1. Trading daily or constantly moving your funds around is a waste of time and money.

2. Because he kept moving his funds from one coin to another, he missed out on significant pump opportunities, while I gained the most from them.

3. Over the two years, he suffered mentally and emotionally, relying too much on himself. It got to the point where he couldn't sleep at night due to stress.

4. He once told me, "Charts are the results of actions that have already been taken. You can't predict or analyze anything. The actions happen in different rooms; people buy and sell, and you see it on the charts after a minute or two. There's a delay."

5. We both agree that sitting in the spot, paying less attention to constant trading and studying, is much more rewarding. Just invest and forget about it!

From this experiment, we both learned a lot. We understood what we needed to do. Now, my brother acts the same way as me. He sits comfortably in the spot and deposits weekly, focusing on buying and holding for the long term.

Long term vs. short term. You decide!
