The highest price of Dabing was $19,000 in December 2017 and the lowest price was $3,700 in December 2018, a drop of 80%. The highest price in 2021 was $69,000 and the lowest price in 2022 was $15,000, a drop of 78%. It is quite safe to buy at the bottom when the price drops by 70%.

The highest price of Anwang was $300 in January 2018 and $3 in December 2018, a drop of 99%. The highest price in 2019 was $18 and the lowest price in 2020 was $1.4, a drop of 92%. The highest price in 2022 was $49 and the lowest price was $3, a drop of 94%. The highest price in 2023 was $15 and the current price is $2.5, a drop of exactly 90%. Since 2018, Anwang has fallen by 90% four times. Those who dare to buy at the bottom have basically become rich. #BTC大饼减半, #safeWallet