Cao Dewang said, "In fact, most people are not suitable for getting rich, because the backlash of money is very strong. It is difficult for a person without high virtue and wisdom to bear it."

Because small wealth depends on diligence, medium wealth depends on virtue, and big wealth depends on fate. If you want to make a fortune, you may not be able to change much just by relying on your own hard work. Instead, your character and cognitive ability are the plus points.

When we have high-level cognitive abilities through our own efforts and dedication, and with the blessing of opportunities, we can have great wealth.

Therefore, you cannot make a big fortune through simple labor, and you can only meet the needs of food and clothing. Making a big fortune depends on cognition, opportunity, and virtue.

Everyone wants to gain wealth. However, in addition to working hard, they must also assess the situation, ride on the wind, seize opportunities, and understand the laws of wealth operation.

Then, improve your wisdom in terms of cognitive ability, use diligence to discern opportunities and laws, and provide people with needs. In this way, you have mastered the code of wealth.