Editor's note: The first article was written in the midsummer of 2021, when FIL was still fluctuating around US$80. When the second article was written, it had entered the bear market of 2022.

With the decline of the Crypto market in 2022, market investors have generally focused their attention on the coin deposit and financial management sector, and many exchange financial products have also become very popular. In fact, the main underlying basis of most exchange financial management is to pool users' funds to participate in DeFi mining and node staking, and the exchange earns the difference in the middle.

For users, directly skipping the exchange to participate in Staking and DeFi mining can maximize their own profits, and KiKi Finance, as a multi-chain node Staking ecosystem, has become one of the projects we pay attention to.

KiKi Finance is a decentralized application that supports multi-chain Staking. It mainly provides users with Staking income and Farming liquidity mining income, and improves the user's income level. It supports the staking mining of project tokens such as DOT/AKT/ATOM, and launched FIL Staking at the end of May 22, providing users with more than 30% income rewards, thereby attracting the participation of many investment users.

Official website: https://kiki.finance/

English Telegram: https://t.me/KiKiFinance

Chinese Telegram: https://t.me/KiKixFILCN

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KiKi_Finance

FIL staking operation steps

1. Connect your wallet

Open the website https://kiki.finance/staking

Click connect wallet in the upper right corner, select metamask wallet, and then a window pops up, the wallet switches to the Ethereum network and connects to kiki finance

2. Staking FIL

Select stake on the right side of FIL, and then a new page will open: https://pinenut.finance/ (KiKi Finance’s dedicated page for FIL)


Next, you need to select the network where the FIL tokens in the wallet are located. You need to switch the network first, which is usually the BSC network or the HECO network. Just select the network.


3. Deposit, withdraw and withdraw earnings

We first authorize FIL, click "Authorize", and after the wallet confirms, you can see the "stake" button.


Click the stake button to stake FIL

Enter the amount of FIL you want to stake, click "confirm", and confirm with your wallet. Once the confirmation is complete, the staking process is complete.

4. Withdrawal of coins and earnings

When you need to withdraw your staked FIL, you need to click "unstake". When there is a withdrawal quota, you can complete the withdrawal.

Similarly, when you need to withdraw reward income, you can click "withdrawal rewards", and then the wallet will switch to the ETH network. After the wallet agrees, the income withdrawal can be completed.

After the transaction is confirmed, the withdrawn KiKi will be transferred to the wallet.

Since KiKi is currently issued on the Ethereum network, the Ethereum transaction fee is relatively high, so it is necessary to reserve some transaction fee gas in the wallet's Ethereum network, and withdraw revenue when more rewards are accumulated. Do not withdraw revenue frequently, so as to reduce the erosion of revenue caused by gas.

The HECO network is selected above, and the operation method for selecting the BSC network is the same. In addition, for users who hold FIL main network tokens, they can deposit FIL into centralized exchanges such as Binance, and then withdraw it from the exchange and exchange it for the BSC network (BEP20).

KiKi participates in liquidity mining

In addition to staking FIL and other tokens to obtain mining income and KiKi token rewards, users can actually also perform liquidity mining in the second pool by staking KiKi.

1. Open the website: https://kiki.finance/farms

2. Then use the wallet plug-in to switch to the Ethereum mainnet and log in to the DApp


3. Add funds to KIKI-USDT-LP in uniswap


Or you can directly select KiKi-USDT in UniSwap, add a pool, and get LP Token

Select KiKi-USDT and click “enable” to authorize.

After the authorization is completed, you can pledge LP tokens to KiKi Finance.

Code security and institutions

Whether it is DeFi or Staking, the security of the code is a concern for everyone. Currently, KiKi actively delegates third parties to conduct code security checks. KiKi Finance ensures the security of the code. The total number of KiKi tokens is 100 million, with no risk of additional issuance, and has passed the dual audits of PeckShield and Certik.


In addition to code security, KiKi Finance has also obtained institutional financing. The participation of institutions has also enabled KiKi to have sufficient strength to ensure that it can safely survive the crypto bear market and ensure the smooth development of the project.

Finally, from the perspective of yield, the current first-month yield is over 30%. The official also revealed in the telegram that after the end of this FIL Staking event, new events will be held continuously to increase users' overall yield. For users in the current market conditions, we will continue to pay attention.