Financial magic called "futures"! ✨

📆 Futures are like magical contracts for the future! Imagine you have a coupon for free ice cream that can only be used tomorrow. So, futures are similar, only instead of ice cream they can be for anything: toys, candies, even juice from space oranges!😂

💰 Why is this needed? Well, imagine that you have a super cool design from a collection and you know that in the future its price will skyrocket! You can make a deal with a friend: sell him your drawing for 10 candies now, and in a week he will return it to you, and you will give him your 10 candies. And if the price of the drawing increases, you will get even more candies!

🌟 So futures are like a game of predicting the future, where you can make money on the ability to guess what will happen tomorrow! Don't forget: futures are fun, but it's important to know how to use them! #FuturesLiquidations#Book#FuturesLiquidations#MemeCoinKing #HotTrends