Free Voice on the 22nd was originally intended for novice users, and I wanted Brother Gui to give some advice to novices who had not experienced the bull market. Unexpectedly, the audience who attended the forum generally thought of how to expand their profits, especially through contracts, leverage or Follow the plate rotation.

After finishing the free speech last night, I couldn't fall asleep for a long time. My mind was a little excited, and I was thinking about what kind of mentality can smoothly survive the bull market and make money. Coco's advice is very good. He said that he likes to read books and has a peaceful mind. The most important thing in the market is to survive. It was very simple, but not very timely, so no one paid much attention to her speech, but I think it should be a highlight of the whole meeting. There are many hot spots in the bull market. No matter how many bullets you have, it is easy to kill them. Especially the mentality established in the bull market is difficult to change when the bear market comes. In the end, it is normal for all floating profits to turn into floating losses. After a bull market, you can make money after reviewing the market. There are actually very few people.

Brother Gui is a big boss of 48club, but his speech is very modest. His speech is very similar to that of elders, conservative but very useful. People who have experienced two rounds of bulls and bears, especially those who can do better and better, are very worthy of our learning. Such big guys are still so humble. For newcomers, how can they do it in such an unpredictable environment like the currency circle? Learn from the essence of our predecessors, making money does not depend on being fast, but more often on being steady and holding on to value. Brother Gui also said that you need to find a circle where you can learn something. This is especially true in the currency circle, where information can easily be converted into value.

For me, I think I should control my investment, don’t let investment affect my life and real work, let alone take out a loan, and control everything under the premise that I can sleep well and sleep soundly. Everyone knows that I usually Go to bed really early. I don’t check the market too often. I limit my transactions to less than 10 in a year in the bull market. In the bear market in the past two years, I only made one transaction. Although I am usually active in the community, I mainly learn from everyone, gain more experience, and understand The more you do, the smaller you become and you dare not move around because you have seen too many failure cases and you don’t want to be one of them.