An important detail and an important warning for Cryptocurrency investors regarding the working methods of Stock Exchanges and Crypto assets that work with Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Important details as a player of the logic of artificial Algorithms based on Real Intelligence

1)Remember that the crypto asset you invest in is a playmaker

2)Remember that the main purpose of this Game Maker is Trying to Fill His own Treasuries

3) Remember that no matter how skilled you are, the game continues according to the Playmaker's Rules.

4) Remember that you are among the players who manipulate assets externally for their own benefit, apart from this playmaker

5) Remember that the asset you invest in is not a real asset but a virtual asset and it is only a matter of transferring the virtual asset.

6) Remember that apart from the game rules of the asset you invest in, you must also comply with the rules of another asset, the main game maker virtual asset (BTC).

7) Do not forget that apart from the rules of this real game, there are other main game makers and the government who use these assets as they wish, apart from the main game maker virtual entity that is presented to you as a decentralized entity.

8) Never forget that the Main Purpose of this Real Virtual Asset BTC and Game Founders and their collaborators is to collect all the Real Assets you have in their own Treasuries through virtual asset transfer.

9) As a crypto investor, your probability of success in the Grift gameplay in this game is almost 0%.

10) We measured the value of the assets held by Crypto Investors

Crypto=0 (value) =Btc=usdt(0 value).

11)These Gamemakers Now Promise You to Buy an Inflated Balloon Worth 100K Dollars, Equal to 0

12)Do not invest in any crypto asset that is not a real asset and its value. This is an investment advice.

