Sharing my struggles and some tips on Binance as a Woman of God.

I am not sure if everyone has these struggles when they first open the account, but I have gone from having my money lost on the blockchain to not being able to purchase. After trying over 12 times I stopped trying. This is even though I whitelisted my card. I had to use another platform to transfer to Binance. I have had emails about people trying to access my account, changing my passwords, down to not finding my money when I try to withdraw (I have been trying to withdraw about 10 USDT for days). I also got a Mystery box over 1 year ago which I am unable to find. I also noticed that when you do a trade they block you from seling when you want to and when it decreases they allow you to withdraw. By that time you lose what you made.

The balance is just not showing as available, even though I can see more than that on my account. When I try to contact Binance the emails always bounce. I withdrew 20 Bitcoins, then 27 Bitcoins from my other account and sent to Binance from last year July (2023). I am unable to access my account after the withdrawal. After searching for it for over a year, I prayed and God told me to look at the devices that accessed my account. I checked and saw a new IP address on the day I transferred the funds. The person accessed my account three times from three different locations.

God then told me that it was my ex and he placed the money into another wallet on Binance. When I did an IP lookup I saw where my account was accessed from. It was indeed him. I have still not recovered my funds but My God told me its there so I know it is. I am sharing this with others who have gone through it. This man sleeps and astral projects into different bodies to steal. He has been projecting into different bodies to scam, but God says there are two in every family. The ghosts are not ghosts, they are people sleeping and they steal Cryptocurrencies too. They lock us out of our accounts and the attached emails and steal our monies. Binance is not the culprit. I have been on social networks and saw people blasting Binance and other platforms when its their enemies stealing from them. They sleep and astral project into your bodies to send your funds elsewhere. Now is not the time to be scared but to be aware. Spiritual warfare affects everyone and we need God more than ever.

Some of the ways in which you can prevent these unauthorized access are:

  1. Get an authenticator app and let it suggest and store your passwords.

  2. f you dont feel like yourself drink some water before you trade. I bless mine first.

  3. Regularly check the devices and IP addresses that have accessed your account in security.

  4. Pray

This is real and it is happening whether we believe it or not. I lived with one and it is now my ministry.

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