How to claim a Red Packet on the Binance app?
1. Log in to your Binance app and tap the [Pay] icon. Go to [Red Packet].
2. Go to [Receive]. Enter the Red Packet code and tap [Claim Now]. Tap [Open] to claim the Red Packet.
3. You’ll see the amount of crypto claimed from the Red Packet. The claimed crypto will be credited to your Funding Wallet. You can tap [Check Now!] for more details.
Disclaimer: If users are found to be involved in any controversial activities, Binance reserves all rights to ban any users, stop any Red Packet activities and return funds to the source owner.
(*For the benefit of user comprehension, the Disclaimer may be translated into different languages. In case of any inconsistency between different language versions, the English version shall prevail.)
[Credits: Binance] This is reproduced for easy access and information to all.