According to Odaily Planet Daily, despite MicroStrategy (MSTR) reporting second-quarter revenue that fell short of expectations, Wall Street brokerage Benchmark still raised its target price for MSTR stock to $2,150 and gave it the highest rating. Benchmark analyst Mark Palmer wrote in a research report on Friday that MSTR shares have risen 1,206% since it adopted Bitcoin as its main reserve asset in August 2020. Since then, the stock's performance has been in stark contrast to Bitcoin (BTC), the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq, which have risen 442%, 64% and 60%, respectively. The company reported a net loss of $102.6 million in the second quarter on Thursday as it suffered an impairment loss of $180.1 million on its Bitcoin holdings. The company currently holds 226,500 bitcoins, with an average purchase price of $36,821 per coin.