BOBA token market data and information summary: BOBA token market value is 36.3k, 1-hour trading volume is 18.1k, the number of coins held is 48, the number of transactions in 1 hour is 68, the liquidity is 2.29 ETH, UniswapV2 buy tax is 0.0, sell tax is 5.2, the average tax is 14.4, the highest tax is 27.6, honeypot and open source are both ✅, additional issuance is ✅, loss of authority is ❌, opening purchase limit is ✅, the maximum sniper bribe ETH is 0.11, the minimum is 0.06, the average is 0.08, the opening time is 2024-09-21 05:15:23, the total amount is 420690000000, Token accounts for 24.46%, Dev accounts for 3.0%, Pair accounts for 10.46%, and the deployer balance is 2.3 ETH, the number of historical contracts is 1, the funding source is 0x4976a4a02f38326660d17bf34b431dc6e2eb2327, the social information is and, the total number of transactions is 58/15, and the transaction volume is 5.69/2.65 ET. #crypto2023A