AI has become a key focus in the technology sector, and has triggered rounds of AI investment booms. In the traditional technology field, Nvidia took the lead and triggered the AI ​​boom. Similarly, the encryption industry is at the forefront of new technologies, and many AI+Web3 concept projects have emerged in the Web3 field, which is also a track favored by VCs in this round.

Verasity, which Lao Ai introduced today, has become a dark horse in this field!

This article outlines:

1. Project Introduction

2. Background

3. Community

4. Token Economy

1. Project Introduction

Verasity is a Web3 platform focused on building e-sports and video entertainment sharing, building a new generation of media interactive network based on blockchain underlying technology and encrypted token $VRA. VeraViews is a groundbreaking new digital advertising platform supported by Verasity, which uses distributed ledger technology to verify ad views.


II. Background

1. #Verasity Officially announced that it has reached a strategic partnership with IAB, the world's leading advertising business organization. IAB currently has 750 member companies, including world giants such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft.

2. VeraViews is approved as an Amazon Advertising Partner

3. Verasity has been integrated and released to YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo, JWPlayer, Brightcove, Kaltura, VideoJS, Flowplayer and Ooyala.

3. Community & #VRA Token Economy

Community: Verasity has a huge business network and user base. It has established a huge business relationship network and incentive system, accumulated B-end and C-end user groups, and its digital ecosystem has more than 150 million visitors per month.

Token Economy:

In October last year, $VRA tokens destroyed 10 billion, accounting for 50% of its total circulation, making it the asset with the largest destruction in the cryptocurrency field. Since then, $VRA has continued to destroy. At the end of last year, $VRA destroyed another 50 million tokens, and continued to destroy them in the future. At the same time, Verasity also announced that it would extend the staking plan to 2025 to promote ecological tightening and reduce market circulation.

Verasity is one of the few AI+Web3+advertising concept projects. There is a lot of room for development in both AI and advertising. Based on its technical foundation, coupled with a huge community and business network, it has already occupied a large market share in the WEB2 market.

VRA is also a target at the lowest point in this track of the crypto market. #VRA It has been listed on all the leading exchanges except Binance. This is also our current opportunity. The ultimate goal of the project has more room for imagination.

From the weekly chart, we can see that VRA has been strong since its listing, with the ratio of $VRA's circulation volume/total market value as high as 0.395. Currently, the vast majority of mainstream assets on the market have this ratio of less than 0.1, which is a good fundamental for the long-term market value increase of $VRA.