Unisat supports CAT20, setting off a new encryption trend!

CAT20 is a new token standard for the Bitcoin network, similar to BRC20. Now, users can easily create and trade tokens through the Unisat wallet, which is safe and convenient and has attracted widespread attention.

Be the first to experience it, don't miss this innovation in the Bitcoin ecosystem! One-click script Fractal Bitcoin full node installation mint tutorial


Before setting up a node, you first need to purchase a VPS to run the node. The node needs to run 24 hours a day. I chose Contabo's host, which is relatively affordable. (VPS purchase and setup tutorials here)


Use one-click script command (thanks to @ouyoung11 on Twitter for writing the code)

wget -O CAT_Protocol.sh "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ttkklei001/CAT-Protocol/main/CAT%20Protocol.sh" && \ sed -i 's/\r$//' CAT_Protocol.sh && \ chmod +x CAT_Protocol.sh && \ ./CAT_Protocol.sh

Script for MAC Apple system Make sure curl is installed

curl -o mac-cat-Protocol.txt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ttkklei001/mac-cat-Protocol/main/mac-cat-Protocol.txt && \ chmod +x mac-cat-Protocol.txt && \ ./mac-cat-Protocol.txt

Menu Selection 1


Waiting for the build to complete. This may take a long time.

Select menu option 2 Create Wallet

And save your mnemonic

Import the mnemonic into

Unisat wallet is used when importing

`m/44'/0'/0'/0/0` format

Then send FB tokens to your wallet address


Mint needs to wait for the node synchronization to complete

Then select menu option 3 to start mint


You can view the block height here



You can view the full node log using menu option 4


The node cannot be synchronized because port 5432 is occupied.

Stop the local PostgreSQL service: The local port 5432 is occupied. You can try to stop the local PostgreSQL service to ensure that the port can be used by the Docker container.

Command to stop the local PostgreSQL service:

  1. Command to stop the local PostgreSQL service:

    sudo systemctl stop postgresql

  2. Start the tracker-postgres-1 container: After stopping the local PostgreSQL service, start the tracker-postgres-1 container again:

    docker start tracker-postgres-1

  3. Verify the tracker-postgres-1 container status: Confirm that the container has started successfully and is listening on port 5432:

    docker ps -a

  4. Restart the tracker container: Restart the tracker container so it connects to the correct PostgreSQL container:

    docker restart tracker

    Then check the tracker container log again to make sure the database connection is successful.

View log command
