Pepe Coin (PEPE) fundamental analysis suggests that its future rise depends on several factors. These include wider adoption, community growth, project roadmap achievements, and the development of the token’s real utility. Currently, PEPE is mostly known as a meme coin without much utility, so its price is heavily influenced by market sentiment, social trends, and speculation.

In the short term to 2024, some analysts predict that PEPE could see significant price increases, especially if supported by positive trends in the overall crypto market or promotions from prominent figures such as Elon Musk. Optimistic price predictions place PEPE around $0.00002 to $0.00003 by the end of 2024, which would be a significant increase from its current price. However, its high volatility makes it a high-risk investment.

Additionally, challenges such as tighter regulation, competition from other cryptos, and lack of long-term utility could limit its growth. If you are interested in investing in PEPE, it is highly recommended to do further research and consider its volatility.