Spot trading is a form of trading where financial instruments, such as cryptocurrencies, commodities, currencies, or securities, are bought or sold for immediate delivery and settlement. In spot trading, transactions occur "on the spot" at the current market price. Here are some key points about spot trading:

1. **Immediate Settlement**: In spot trading, the transaction is settled "on the spot," meaning the exchange of the asset for cash (or another asset) occurs immediately, or within a short period of time, typically within two business days.

2. **Physical Ownership**: When you engage in spot trading, you are actually purchasing or selling the underlying asset itself. For example, if you buy Bitcoin through a spot exchange, you own actual Bitcoin.

3. **Price Determined by Market**: The price of the asset in spot trading is determined by the market forces of supply and demand. This contrasts with derivatives trading, where prices can be influenced by factors beyond the underlying asset's current market conditions.

4. **Simplicity**: Spot trading is straightforward and is the most common form of trading for individual investors. It does not involve complex contracts or obligations beyond the immediate exchange of the asset for cash.

5. **Lack of Leverage**: Spot trading doesn't typically involve leverage, which means you are trading with your own funds. This can be seen as a lower-risk form of trading compared to margin or futures trading.

6. **Use in Various Markets**: Spot trading is prevalent in various markets, including cryptocurrencies, foreign exchange (forex), commodities like gold and oil, and the stock market.

7. **Hedging and Investment**: Traders and investors use spot trading for various purposes. Some engage in spot trading for short-term price movements, while others use it for long-term investments or as a means of hedging against price fluctuations.

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