🚨 Telegram CEO speaks out for the first time after the scandal in France

- Pavel Durov was surprised by the French arrest: "The French authorities had many ways to contact Durov because he helped them set up a hotline with Telegram to deal with terrorist threats." - But no, they chose to "put him in the toilet" unexpectedly

- If a country is not satisfied with its internet service, they should sue the service itself instead of prosecuting the CEO, which would discourage technology innovators.

🔹The challenge between privacy and legal compliance:

- Durov emphasized the difficulty of balancing privacy and security: "Telegram always tries to comply with regulations, but also firmly protects the rights of users"

- If a deal cannot be reached, Telegram is ready to leave the country (as it did with Russia and Iran).

🔹Commitment to improvement:

- Durov admits that Telegram is not perfect, especially when it comes to handling requests from authorities. The platform has been removing millions of posts and channels with harmful content every day.

- The sudden increase in the number of users to 950 million has caused some problems, and Durov pledges to start improving the situation.

- Telegram has set up hotlines with governments to quickly handle urgent requests for censorship.

Durov has now been released but is not allowed to leave France to serve the investigation on charges of COMPLICITY in illegal transactions on Telegram for refusing to provide information to the authorities.