The tutorial script for a platform offering information about the crypto world and airdrops:

### Summary: Crypto Airdrops Tutorial Script

#### **Introduction**

- Start with a warm greeting and introduce the platform's purpose: providing crypto insights and airdrop opportunities.

#### **Getting Started**

1. **Creating an Account**

- Guide users through the account registration process, including any necessary verification.

2. **Exploring the Dashboard**

- Walk through the main dashboard, explaining the key features, like the news feed and airdrop section.

#### **Understanding Airdrops**

3. **What Are Airdrops?**

- Define cryptocurrency airdrops and explain their purpose and benefits.

4. **Types of Airdrops Available**

- Discuss the different types of airdrops on the platform and what users need to qualify.

#### **Participating in Airdrops**

5. **Finding Airdrop Opportunities**

- Show users how to find and filter airdrops on the platform.

6. **Claiming Airdrops**

- Provide a step-by-step guide on how to claim airdrops, including necessary actions like social media sharing.

7. **Tracking Airdrop Rewards**

- Explain how users can track their airdrop rewards and where to see their token balance.

#### **Additional Features**

8. **Crypto News and Updates**

- Highlight sections of the platform dedicated to the latest crypto news and trends.

9. **Community Engagement**

- Encourage users to participate in community forums and follow social media channels for updates.

#### **Conclusion**

10. **Recap and Encouragement**

- Summarize the tutorial and encourage users to explore the platform further.

11. **Call to Action**

- Invite viewers to subscribe for more content and provide links for support.

### **Tips**

- Use screen recordings with clear visuals and an engaging tone to keep viewers interested.

This summary outlines the key points to cover in your tutorial video, helping users navigate your platform and take advantage of airdrop opportunities effectively.
