⚠️ **Warning: Allegations of Manipulative Stablecoin Activity** ⚠️

Dylan LeClair, a prominent cryptocurrency analyst, has raised concerns about alleged manipulative activities involving stablecoins, particularly USDT and TUSD, orchestrated by Justin Sun and possibly involving exchanges like HTX and Binance. Here's a summary of the key points raised:

1️⃣ Justin Sun is accused of creating a complex network to extract dollar liquidity from the crypto market using his own stablecoins, including stUSDT.

2️⃣ The flow of funds involving USDT, stUSDT, and Just Trend suggests that there's no real investment in assets such as government bonds, contrary to claims.

3️⃣ TUSD, influenced by Justin Sun, has seen significant burning and conversion to USDT, potentially contributing to the manipulation.

4️⃣ Large-scale issuance of TUSD coincides with market sell-offs, raising questions about Binance's promotion of TUSD during this period.

❗️ Users are cautioned to carefully consider their holdings and transactions involving USDT and TUSD, especially on platforms like HTX and Binance.

Please note that these allegations are subject to investigation and should be taken as allegations until verified.

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