What is the essence of money?

I think money is an IOU from society

You create value for this society

This society gives you something in return

This is a typical barter

And what society gives you in return is money

The more you contribute, the more you get in return.

So, money is actually a prepayment for your personal ability.

We create enough value for this society;

This society will give you enough money.

Making money is a skill

If you don't have this skill, but you stay at home all day long fantasizing about getting rich overnight by speculating in cryptocurrencies, it's useless.

The skill of making money is to "productize yourself"

First, you have to look at yourself objectively

What skills do I have?

What are my specialties?

What industry am I good at?

Luck is the upper limit. 90% of people's lives are actually similar. What really makes the difference is luck. Luck determines the ceiling of your life and wealth.

Real luck is not the so-called "success depends on luck". It is unrealistic to lie down and wait for luck to come.

There are three types of luck:

The first kind of luck is windfall, winning the lottery, or buying the X1000 meme, and getting rich all of a sudden. This is the lowest probability and the most superficial "luck"


The second kind of luck comes from perseverance, diligence, repeated failures, and constant attempts. Even if the success rate is 1/100, you will always succeed after 100 attempts. This kind of "luck" that others see is actually obtained by actively creating opportunities.

The third kind of luck is the ability to discover luck.

For example, if you are experienced in a certain field, then when there is a big opportunity in this field, you will see it at the first time. Because you are already a master, others don't see it, but you see it.

This is a kind of luck that can only be achieved with very high ability.


And Feng Shui is the auxiliary of fate and luck

Fate + good luck + good Feng Shui = the ceiling of your life and wealth

In real life, Feng Shui is divided into Yangzhai and Yinzhai. I don't really believe in this. Later, I met a Feng Shui master in Hong Kong through a friend's introduction. This master helped Li Ka-shing and Guo Taiming choose the factory address. A few years ago, I asked this master to help me adjust the Feng Shui of the company and the front door of my house with a half-believing and half-doubting attitude. In the following years, my family and career were smooth.