According to Foresight News, Amber Group, an investor and market maker for ZKX, has issued a statement regarding the recent ZKX token incident. Amber Group disclosed that it holds a total of 3 million ZKX tokens, consisting of 1 million ZKX as a loan and 2 million ZKX as net purchases. The group had previously received a loan of 2 million ZKX tokens to facilitate liquidity under the 'Standard Loan Option Agreement' on June 19, without incurring additional fees. Despite a lack of buying interest and a decline in token price since the ZKX token generation event (TGE), Amber Group continued to purchase tokens to maintain liquidity. On June 24, the ZKX team requested the return of 1 million ZKX tokens to reduce circulation and boost community confidence. Amber Group agreed to reduce the loan amount to 1 million ZKX, considering the long-term benefits for the project and its community.

Amber Group also expressed concerns over ZKX's sudden announcement on July 30 to cease operations without prior communication. The group criticized this move, stating it set a negative precedent and impacted investors, service providers, and the community. Amber Group emphasized the importance of clear communication and transparency in fostering trust and collaboration within the crypto community. They urged the ZKX team to take necessary actions and responsibilities to enhance transparency and address the issue.