2 Cryptocurrency Steps in 1 Day from Russia: Legal Approval Arrived!

The Duma, the lower house of the Russian Parliament, has made a critical decision on cryptocurrency mining.

Russia's lower house, the Duma, approved the cryptocurrency mining law on Tuesday, July 30. State-owned news agency RIA Novosti was the first to confirm the confirmation.

Russian Central Bank President Elvira Nabiullina said on Tuesday that the State Duma, the lower house of the Russian Parliament, will consider a law allowing international payments through cryptocurrencies on Tuesday.

Russia also announced today that they will make the first international payment through cryptocurrencies by the end of 2024.

USA and Russia in cold war over cryptocurrencies

The statements supporting cryptocurrency made by Donald Trump, the favorite in the US presidential race, at the Bitcoin 2024 conference caused havoc.

Shortly after Trump's statements, which aimed to make Bitcoin a US-based product, Russia's approval of the law and its speech on the subject revealed the competition going on behind the scenes.

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