Simple and practical tips for trading cryptocurrencies:

1. Divide money into batches. If you have 10,000 yuan, divide it into five parts, and use one of them, which is 2,000 yuan, for each transaction.

2. Buy a little first and try it out. Use this 2,000 yuan to buy a coin first.

3. Buy again if it falls. If the price of this coin falls by 10%, buy another part of it.

4. If the price of the coin rises by 10%, sell one part quickly and make some money.

5. Repeat the above steps, buy and sell until you have spent all your money or sold all the coins.

The benefit of this strategy: The benefit of this strategy is that even if the price of the coin falls, you don’t have to panic because you can continue to buy.

In fact, if you have bought all five parts, the price of the coin has at least fallen by half. But unless the market is particularly bad, the price of the coin will not fall so fast. And every time you sell, you can make 10% of the money. For example, if you have 100,000 yuan and use 20,000 yuan each time, you can make 2,000 yuan each time.

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