#ETH Update 💯

Share my chart here, when I share you buy ETH and current market chart

As you can see, ETH has gained +24% from our entry✅

How do I analyze the chart?

- So I analyzed and noticed that ETH has gone up multiple times after hitting a specific area

- I marked that area and found that support has been there for more than 5 months. It was totally a support play

- So I shared the signal here and we got a +24% boost easily🚀

- Currently, ETH has taken support from 200 EMA and bounced back, $4000 is exerting its magnetic force. We will hit that area sooner than expected

I also try to educate you in the simplest language while updating my knowledge. I hope this helps you become a better version of yourself🤝

#Trader百哥 🥶