I remember when I was a child, my grandfather often said: "There are unexpected changes in the weather, and people are subject to misfortunes and blessings at any time.

"Today, the global chess game is beginning to be filled with a sense of unease.

Recent remarks by renowned economist Professor Lu Qiyuan were like a gust of cold wind blowing into the scorching summer. He asserted that the pace of global economic recession may come faster and more rapidly than we imagined.

Does it feel a bit familiar? Just like the internal letter from Mr. Ren Zhengfei of Huawei in 2022, which sounded the alarm in advance - the next ten years will be a big test for the economy, and survival is the hard truth.

When you think of the Great Depression, do you immediately think of the black-and-white photos in the history textbooks, those sad faces, and the heavy prophecy of "Wall Street's death knell, America rushing to hell"? That's right, the economic disaster that started in the United States in 1929 and swept across the world is still scary to talk about.

At that time, milk was cheaper than water, but it was still dumped into the river. Why? Because the money to transport the milk was more expensive than the milk itself. This was the tragedy of "surplus".

Let’s talk about this today. If there really comes a day when the wheel of history rolls back into the pit called the “Great Depression”, what should we ordinary workers do?

Prepare for a rainy day and build your own "small treasury" first

“Carry an umbrella when it’s sunny and carry dry food when you’re full.” This wisdom from our ancestors is timeless.

It is true that if you have money in your hands, you will not be worried.

No matter how windy and rainy it is outside, as long as you have money in your pocket, you can at least buy a boat ticket to avoid the wind.

Diversify your savings, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Try a little of everything, including US dollars, RMB, gold, and even digital currencies. That way, if the exchange rate changes direction one day, you can respond flexibly.

Don't hang yourself on one tree, walk on many legs

“It’s always good to have many skills”, this saying is more true now than ever before.

Don't just rely on that salary to live. Learn a skill, start a side job, even if it's just setting up a small stall on the weekends, it will leave yourself a way out.

It is best for the pillars of the family not to work in the same industry together, in case the industry fails, the whole family will suffer together.

Live frugally and budget carefully

"Spend every penny wisely." The Great Depression is coming, and this is no joke.

Order less takeout and cook more at home; buy fewer luxury goods and stock up on more practical things.

It is not about teaching you to be stingy, but teaching you how to live a tight life gracefully in the turbulent days.

Keep a steady mindset, work is still a "iron rice bowl"

“It is better to sit tight on the Diaoyutai than to change cabins easily.”

These days, a stable job is better than anything else.

Don’t always think about changing jobs to get a raise. Sometimes, a stable life is the real meaning.

Especially in times of economic downturn, keeping your job means keeping hope.

Get rid of debt and start a new journey with light load

“Being debt-free is a relief,” this saying is so true.

Mortgages, car loans, all kinds of loans, pay them off as soon as possible.

Don't let the time come when you are short of money and even the interest becomes the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Only when we feel clean and refreshed can we run faster and farther.

Keep your brain busy, knowledge is power

“You never stop learning”, this saying will never go out of date.

Learn more about political and economic knowledge, and don't be led by rumors and panic.

Rational analysis and scientific decision-making are scarce resources in troubled times.

Worst plan, most beautiful scenery

"If you have land at home, you will not be worried."

If you are really at the end of your rope, that piece of land in the countryside may be your last safe haven.

Do it yourself and have enough food and clothing, this is the wisdom passed down by our ancestors.

At this point, some people may say, "Oh, isn't this selling anxiety?" Friends, don't get me wrong, we are talking about this not to scare anyone, but to remind everyone that when the weather is calm, prepare more lifebuoys so that when the storm really comes, we can be prepared.