Key Points:

  • LayerZero bounty hunters can now view the provisional list on the Commonwealth platform.

  • Hunters must verify details before 00:00 UTC on July 21 to ensure accuracy.

  • LayerZero bounty hunters will be distributed by July 23, reflecting current allocations.

LayerZero bounty hunters' temporary list, with additional details, has been uploaded to the Commonwealth platform.

This provisional listing is now accessible for review by bounty hunters, who are advised to cross-check it carefully before 00:00 UTC on July 21. LayerZero Foundation Announces Bounty Hunters' Temporary List Upload

This announcement is an important part of the organization’s ongoing efforts to promote transparency and fairness in the division of bounties. The LayerZero bounty hunters clarified that this temporary list would not be regarded as the final Sybil list or used in any form again. Rather, it captures one moment during creation and does not reflect unprocessed reports or false positive ones discovered later.

Read more: LayerZero Labs and Initia Labs Define Cosmos Interoperability Standards!

Review Period and Final Distribution Details Clarified

LayerZero bounty hunters have a limited time window to review the provisional list and provide necessary feedback. The closing distribution will be completed by the end of the day on Tuesday, July 23rd. It is important to note that the final allocation remains at the discretion of LayerZero Foundation and may be changed after further review and receipt of more information during this period.

LayerZero remains one of the frontrunners in the decentralized interoperability sector, and its systematic bounty distribution system underscores the importance of accuracy and fairness in the process. The members must remain alert and take the necessary steps to avoid the final distribution on July 23.

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