🔥🔥Crypto market duet: the boundary between securities and commodities, and the rise of ETH

In the vast universe of cryptocurrency, the two giants, CFTC and SEC, are playing out a delicate battle over "definition rights". CFTC Chairman Behnam made a resounding statement, and a ruling by the Illinois court formally included BTC and ETH in the Commodity Exchange Act, declaring their legal status as digital commodities. What is even more remarkable is that he further pointed out that in the vast world of the crypto market, 70% to 80% of the territory does not belong to the category of securities.

At the same time, the voice of the SEC is quite different, and its chairman seems to regard all cryptocurrencies except Bitcoin as an extension of securities. Are the differences between the two major regulatory agencies, one guarding commodities and the other regulating securities, just coveting the interests of the crypto market? Driven by interests, this "definition battle" is particularly eye-catching.

On this battlefield, a crypto investor named "Brother Sun" has once again become the focus with his unique vision and keen sense of smell. Although the outside world has mixed opinions about him, it is undeniable that Brother Sun's layout in the crypto market is always so accurate. This time, he once again increased his stake in Ethereum, which is undoubtedly a firm belief in the future development potential of Ethereum. There are rumors that the launch of the Ethereum ETF is just around the corner, which undoubtedly injected a shot of adrenaline into the market.

At present, the trend of Ethereum is particularly strong, even surpassing the brilliance of Bitcoin. And BNB has also demonstrated its extraordinary strength with the good news of its anniversary on July 14. At the same time, the continuous inflow of funds from US stock ETFs has brought more vitality to the market. When the data is revealed tomorrow night, if the amount of funds is still huge, then retail investors may once again become the market's promoters and take over the rally.

It is worth noting that the data of the old Americans is always full of mystery, but large institutions seem to always be able to see the opportunities in advance. This can't help but make people wonder whether similar "insider trading" is also hidden in the ever-changing crypto market?

