The reasons for buying and not buying are equally sufficient. I have been struggling for a long time. Today I finally figured it out:

1. Fear of missing out is essentially "lack of confidence in seizing better opportunities".

2. The essence of entanglement is nothing more than the greed of "it can still rise sharply" and the fluke of "it may not fall".

Losing money and being deceived are all due to greed, without exception. Less greed means more patience.

Now I look back and feel surprised: Why do I keep struggling with some opportunities that I am not sure whether to buy or not?

In fact, the essence is still not wanting to miss out - the end of greed is mostly bad

Then I give myself a principle: if you feel unsure and entangled, you should give up, unless you figure out that the answer is to buy firmly.

In actual market operations, adjust strategies and operating principles