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Market panics - the bull market is over? Let's see the truth!

When the market fluctuates, people tend to panic and worry whether the bull market has ended. But historical data tells us that such concerns may be too hasty.

Looking back, Bitcoin experienced 12 price declines of more than 20% in 2017. And in 2021, this situation has been repeated 9 times. These are all normal phenomena of market self-adjustment, not the end of the bull market.

Every time the market pulls back, there are always voices declaring that the bull market is over. However, for those wise investors, such a pullback is exactly the entry opportunity they are looking for. They know that buying when market sentiment is low can often get more generous returns.

On the contrary, investors driven by fear often choose to sell when prices are low, and then rush to buy back when the market recovers and prices rise. This is undoubtedly an unwise approach.

Therefore, in the face of market fluctuations, we should learn to stay calm, not be swayed by panic, but to see the opportunities and take decisive action.

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