TRU's market gave a clear buy signal on yesterday's daily chart - the yellow dot, which indicates that the market is about to enter a continuation phase of the rise.

Today's operation strategy should focus on the 4-hour chart, looking for the yellow dot as a confirmation signal for long orders. #币安合约锦标赛

The key position of 0.12980 is particularly important at the 4-hour level. If this position can withstand the downward pressure and the yellow dot signal is formed and stabilized, it is time for us to get on the long order. #ASI代币合并计划

The upward pressure level can be expected to be between 0.13247 and 0.14021.

However, if the market trend reverses and the long-short balance point at the 4-hour level is broken, it is necessary to quickly change the thinking and turn to the 1-hour level to find the short buying opportunity indicated by the purple dot. At this time, you should pay attention to the support area between 0.12722 and 0.12151. #MiCA #TRU.智能策略库🏆🏆 $TRU $BTC $ETH