Why are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer? Here are a few points to explain:

1. Unequal asset trading: The rich tend to hold high-quality assets such as real estate, stocks, and stable investment portfolios, while the poor may only be able to buy low-quality or high-risk assets, such as high-interest loans, low-quality stocks, or altcoins. This unequal trading leads to the growth of the wealth of the rich, while the poor find it difficult to accumulate wealth.

2. Differences in asset quality: The assets of the rich are usually inflation-resistant and value-preserving, such as real estate and stable financial assets, while the assets held by the poor may fluctuate greatly with economic fluctuations, such as loan debts and investment products with high market risks.

3. Investment selection and strategy: The rich prefer long-term investment and diversification, and they choose a robust asset allocation to maintain and increase wealth. In contrast, the poor may be more susceptible to short-term market fluctuations and high-risk investments, leading to unstable financial conditions.

4. Market manipulation and information asymmetry: The rich have more resources and access to information in the market, and they may use these advantages to manipulate the market or obtain short-term benefits by creating and selling low-quality assets. This unfair market behavior may expose the poor to greater risks and losses.

5. Education and smart choices: The rich usually have more education and financial intelligence, and they are able to make smarter investment decisions and manage risks. In contrast, the poor may lack financial knowledge and investment skills and are prone to fall into unfavorable financial situations.

The phenomenon of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer is not only the result of economic structure and market mechanism, but also reflects the inequality of wealth distribution and asset allocation. To change this situation, it is necessary to improve financial literacy and promote fair economic opportunities to ensure that everyone has access to fair and sustainable financial growth opportunities.

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