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Sasha why NOT

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3 tim.
5 tim.
Tokenizācija rada revolūciju nekustamā īpašuma investīciju nozarē
Saskaņā ar Cointelegraph teikto, reālās pasaules aktīvu (RWA) tokenizācija ir gatava pārveidot nekustamo īpašumu investīciju sektoru, ko tradicionāli raksturo augsta nelikviditāte, daudzi starpnieki un paaugstinātas darījumu izmaksas. Polygon izpilddirektors Marks Boirons uzsvēra īpašuma tokenizācijas potenciālu, lai racionalizētu procesus, novēršot nevajadzīgus starpniekus, tādējādi samazinot darījumu izmaksas.

Boirons uzsvēra, ka daļējas īpašumtiesības un iespēja tirgot žetonu nekustamo īpašumu otrreizējos tirgos varētu ievērojami palielināt likviditāti un paātrināt naudas apgrozījuma ātrumu. Viņš norādīja, ka primārais mērķis ir likvidēt ar nekustamo īpašumu saistīto nelikviditātes atlaidi, kas pēc savas būtības samazina tā vērtību. Padarot nekustamo īpašumu likvīdu, tā vērtība varētu būtiski pieaugt.
25 feb.
$IOTX Will Going to $0,30
$IOTX Will Going to $0,30
4 feb.
$IOTX We have a big problem with the entire #IoTeX team! Nobody gives a damn about adoption!They only focus on technology and general partnerships! All of this is very good for all of us, but we need a more than special focus on ADOPTION! Adoption is everything! We need to be known . A post by @Raullen on X is worth nothing, almost no one participates in his post! There is no participation in any post coming from the iotex team! Someone from iotex makes a post and the crypto community on X does not comment or like, much less share it! We are invisible on X! We have just over 300 thousand followers! It's nothing! iotex should already be down at 20 cents per token but we are at a 2018 price... This means a disappointing performance in dollars, to say the least! The team's focus on Adoption definitely needs a change. - We Are All #IoTeXians 🙏🏿🦾🚀🚀🚀 @iotex_io @iotex_dev @iotex_daily @DePIN_aaron @iotex_cn @iotexan @qevan
$IOTX We have a big problem with the entire #IoTeX team! Nobody gives a damn about adoption!They only focus on technology and general partnerships! All of this is very good for all of us, but we need a more than special focus on ADOPTION! Adoption is everything! We need to be known . A post by @Raullen on X is worth nothing, almost no one participates in his post! There is no participation in any post coming from the iotex team! Someone from iotex makes a post and the crypto community on X does not comment or like, much less share it! We are invisible on X! We have just over 300 thousand followers! It's nothing! iotex should already be down at 20 cents per token but we are at a 2018 price... This means a disappointing performance in dollars, to say the least! The team's focus on Adoption definitely needs a change.
- We Are All #IoTeXians
@iotex_io @iotex_dev @iotex_daily @DePIN_aaron @iotex_cn @iotexan @qevan
4 feb.
$IOTX There are several factors that can contribute to the fact that the price of $IOTX has not followed, in terms of appreciation, the technological advances that have occurred over the years. Some points to consider are: Market Adoption: Technological advances, by themselves, do not guarantee an appreciation if they do not translate into wide adoption or real use cases that attract investors and users to the platform.. ….. If the technology is advanced but the network has not gained a significant base of users or strategic partners, the impact on the price may be limited. We need to improve this! We need to focus on adoption!
$IOTX There are several factors that can contribute to the fact that the price of $IOTX has not followed, in terms of appreciation, the technological advances that have occurred over the years. Some points to consider are:
Market Adoption:

Technological advances, by themselves, do not guarantee an appreciation if they do not translate into wide adoption or real use cases that attract investors and users to the platform..
….. If the technology is advanced but the network has not gained a significant base of users or strategic partners, the impact on the price may be limited.
We need to improve this! We need to focus on adoption!
4 feb.
Please ! Could you update your true and current vision of IoTeX for the year 2025? Thanks!
Please ! Could you update your true and current vision of IoTeX for the year 2025? Thanks!
24 jan.
2024. gadā Trampa saistītie žetoni kļūst par kriptovalūtu melno zirdziņu. Paļaujoties uz politiskajiem notikumiem (piemēram, vēlēšanām, tiesas procesiem), tie piesaista uzmanību, un to kopienas efekts un spekulatīvā rakstura dēļ žetoni īsā laikā pieaug par 10-50 reizēm. Ar zemu piekļuves slieksni un notikumiem, kas mudina uz rīcību (piemēram, debatēm vai spriedumiem), liels skaits cilvēku gūst peļņu īsā laika posmā. Bet šādiem žetoniem bieži vien nav reālas vērtības, un to cenas svārstās ļoti strauji, tāpēc jābūt uzmanīgiem, piedaloties, un jāiznāk, kad ir labas iespējas.

16 jan.
$HBAR going to $1.0899 🦾🚀🚀🚀
$HBAR going to $1.0899 🦾🚀🚀🚀
16 jan.
$HBAR going to $1.08
$HBAR going to $1.08
10 dec. 2024
Baisse (björn)
$BTC Go To $62
$BTC Go To $62
10 dec. 2024
Baisse (björn)
$BTC Go To Hole ! $BTC is going down the drain….to $62 {spot}(BTCUSDT)
$BTC Go To Hole ! $BTC is going down the drain….to $62
4 dec. 2024
$HBAR I’m very optimistic with Hedera, Go To $3 🙏🏿🦾🚀🚀🚀
$HBAR I’m very optimistic with Hedera, Go To $3
4 dec. 2024
$HBAR I Told You So ! It Will Go to the Moon 🦾🚀🚀🚀
$HBAR I Told You So ! It Will Go to the Moon 🦾🚀🚀🚀
4 dec. 2024
$VITE Go To $0,3429999999 🦾🚀🚀🚀 I Told You So 😜
$VITE Go To $0,3429999999 🦾🚀🚀🚀 I Told You So 😜
3 dec. 2024
$HBAR Is still undervalued in the crypto market! @hedera ( #HBAR ), has the potential to be worth $3 each token for a marketcap of 150 billion and it shouldn't stop there. #Hedera has the support of big names like @LGE_Global 🦾🚀 @CharlesXAdkins @InsideHedera 👇🏾
$HBAR Is still undervalued in the crypto market! @hedera ( #HBAR ), has the potential to be worth $3 each token for a marketcap of 150 billion and it shouldn't stop there. #Hedera has the support of big names like @LGE_Global 🦾🚀
@CharlesXAdkins @InsideHedera 👇🏾
3 dec. 2024
$HBAR First 0,68 ….. After $1 🦾🚀🚀🚀🚀
$HBAR First 0,68 ….. After $1 🦾🚀🚀🚀🚀
3 dec. 2024
$HBAR First , Go To $0,681399999999999999 After go to $1 🦾🚀🚀 🚀
$HBAR First , Go To $0,681399999999999999 After go to $1 🦾🚀🚀 🚀
3 dec. 2024
$HBAR Go To $0,681399999999999999 🦾🚀🚀🚀
$HBAR Go To $0,681399999999999999 🦾🚀🚀🚀
26 nov. 2024
$OG 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 $14 Here we go 🦾
$OG 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 $14 Here we go 🦾
26 nov. 2024
$OG just 5M supply 😜 🦾🚀🚀🚀
$OG just 5M supply 😜 🦾🚀🚀🚀
26 nov. 2024
$OG Hold hold on this coin 🦾🚀🦾🚀🦾🚀🚀🚀
$OG Hold hold on this coin 🦾🚀🦾🚀🦾🚀🚀🚀
26 nov. 2024
26 nov. 2024
$ASR dodieties uz $3,69 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
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