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The issue of SEC extortion against Ripple with the pretext of a legal appeal.$XRP The tension-filled drama continues to escalate in the seemingly endless legal battle between the SEC and Ripple. The SEC, the U.S. securities watchdog under the leadership of Gary Gensler, seems unable to accept the previous court decision that only fined Ripple $125 million. Like a tiger smelling blood, the SEC filed an appeal, asserting that the fine was far from enough. They are demanding more, much more—around $2 billion—arguing that Ripple should pay a much heavier price for the alleged violations. Their reasoning? The initial ruling was too lenient. Here, the SEC is attempting to dismantle securities laws that have stood firm for decades under the U.S. Supreme Court's guidance, seeking ways to strengthen their position and punish Ripple more severely. Amid this drama, Gary Gensler himself is in the spotlight, rumored to potentially enrich himself from the SEC's aggressive actions. Allegations of hidden personal interests behind these massive demands add layers of intrigue to the legal maze. With every step, Ripple fights an increasingly uphill battle, while the world wonders: is this purely a matter of law, or is there a hidden agenda behind it voute off presiden in US?We don't know. From all those issues, we have yet to obtain a valid source, except regarding the appeal. Dyor every think.

The issue of SEC extortion against Ripple with the pretext of a legal appeal.

$XRP The tension-filled drama continues to escalate in the seemingly endless legal battle between the SEC and Ripple. The SEC, the U.S. securities watchdog under the leadership of Gary Gensler, seems unable to accept the previous court decision that only fined Ripple $125 million. Like a tiger smelling blood, the SEC filed an appeal, asserting that the fine was far from enough.
They are demanding more, much more—around $2 billion—arguing that Ripple should pay a much heavier price for the alleged violations. Their reasoning? The initial ruling was too lenient. Here, the SEC is attempting to dismantle securities laws that have stood firm for decades under the U.S. Supreme Court's guidance, seeking ways to strengthen their position and punish Ripple more severely.
Amid this drama, Gary Gensler himself is in the spotlight, rumored to potentially enrich himself from the SEC's aggressive actions. Allegations of hidden personal interests behind these massive demands add layers of intrigue to the legal maze. With every step, Ripple fights an increasingly uphill battle, while the world wonders: is this purely a matter of law, or is there a hidden agenda behind it voute off presiden in US?We don't know.
From all those issues, we have yet to obtain a valid source, except regarding the appeal.
Dyor every think.
Berita Terkini: Ripple dan Mastercard Berkolaborasi – Apakah Harga $XRP Akan Melejit? Kabar Baik! 💸 Siapa di sini pemegang kartu Mastercard? ♦️♠️ Dalam perkembangan yang mengejutkan, CEO Mastercard telah mengumumkan bahwa $XRP dari Ripple akan berperan sebagai pelengkap bagi SWIFT, bukan sebagai penggantinya. Pembicaraan mengenai integrasi XRP ke dalam sistem pembayaran kini telah dimulai, yang memicu spekulasi terkait masa depan XRP dan potensi lonjakan nilainya. Pengumuman ini tidak hanya menambah semangat pada tren bullish yang sedang terjadi, tetapi juga berpotensi mengubah peta industri kripto. Kemitraan ini menegaskan bahwa mata uang kripto, seperti XRP, dapat memainkan peran penting dalam transaksi digital global, menempatkan XRP di garis terdepan dari perubahan ini. Kolaborasi antara Mastercard dan Ripple ini menjadi tonggak penting dalam dunia kripto. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi blockchain dari $XRP, kolaborasi ini akan meningkatkan kecepatan dan mengurangi biaya pembayaran lintas negara. Langkah ini dapat merevolusi cara bisnis dan konsumen berinteraksi dengan mata uang digital. Ketika XRP menjadi bagian sentral dalam sistem transaksi, dampak positif terhadap jangkauannya dan utilitasnya di dunia keuangan pun semakin besar. Hari ini, harga $XRP mengalami lonjakan lebih dari 6%, mencapai sekitar $0,623 pasca pengumuman tersebut, sementara pasar kripto secara keseluruhan, termasuk Bitcoin, juga menunjukkan kenaikan signifikan. Dengan dukungan Mastercard yang memiliki pengaruh global, XRP menjadi semakin menarik bagi ekosistem keuangan, menawarkan solusi pembayaran yang lebih cepat dan hemat biaya. Validasi dari Mastercard ini dapat menjadi dorongan yang dibutuhkan oleh XRP untuk menarik perhatian lebih banyak lembaga keuangan dan investor, meningkatkan permintaan serta nilainya. 💸 Kesimpulannya, kerja sama antara Ripple dan Mastercard memperkuat posisi $XRP XRP di pasar kripto dan membuka pintu bagi adopsi aset digital yang lebih luas. Pengaruh kemitraan ini terhadap harga XRP tidak bisa diabaikan, dan para investor disarankan untuk terus mengikuti perkembangan kolaborasi ini. Jangan lewatkan update berikutnya, dan pastikan untuk like dan follow untuk wawasan eksklusif lainnya! #Xrp🔥🔥 #TelegramCEO #BinanceLaunchpoolH #Bitcoin

Berita Terkini: Ripple dan Mastercard Berkolaborasi – Apakah Harga $XRP Akan Melejit? Kabar Baik!

💸 Siapa di sini pemegang kartu Mastercard? ♦️♠️

Dalam perkembangan yang mengejutkan, CEO Mastercard telah mengumumkan bahwa $XRP dari Ripple akan berperan sebagai pelengkap bagi SWIFT, bukan sebagai penggantinya. Pembicaraan mengenai integrasi XRP ke dalam sistem pembayaran kini telah dimulai, yang memicu spekulasi terkait masa depan XRP dan potensi lonjakan nilainya. Pengumuman ini tidak hanya menambah semangat pada tren bullish yang sedang terjadi, tetapi juga berpotensi mengubah peta industri kripto. Kemitraan ini menegaskan bahwa mata uang kripto, seperti XRP, dapat memainkan peran penting dalam transaksi digital global, menempatkan XRP di garis terdepan dari perubahan ini.

Kolaborasi antara Mastercard dan Ripple ini menjadi tonggak penting dalam dunia kripto. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi blockchain dari $XRP , kolaborasi ini akan meningkatkan kecepatan dan mengurangi biaya pembayaran lintas negara. Langkah ini dapat merevolusi cara bisnis dan konsumen berinteraksi dengan mata uang digital. Ketika XRP menjadi bagian sentral dalam sistem transaksi, dampak positif terhadap jangkauannya dan utilitasnya di dunia keuangan pun semakin besar.

Hari ini, harga $XRP mengalami lonjakan lebih dari 6%, mencapai sekitar $0,623 pasca pengumuman tersebut, sementara pasar kripto secara keseluruhan, termasuk Bitcoin, juga menunjukkan kenaikan signifikan. Dengan dukungan Mastercard yang memiliki pengaruh global, XRP menjadi semakin menarik bagi ekosistem keuangan, menawarkan solusi pembayaran yang lebih cepat dan hemat biaya. Validasi dari Mastercard ini dapat menjadi dorongan yang dibutuhkan oleh XRP untuk menarik perhatian lebih banyak lembaga keuangan dan investor, meningkatkan permintaan serta nilainya.

💸 Kesimpulannya, kerja sama antara Ripple dan Mastercard memperkuat posisi $XRP XRP di pasar kripto dan membuka pintu bagi adopsi aset digital yang lebih luas. Pengaruh kemitraan ini terhadap harga XRP tidak bisa diabaikan, dan para investor disarankan untuk terus mengikuti perkembangan kolaborasi ini. Jangan lewatkan update berikutnya, dan pastikan untuk like dan follow untuk wawasan eksklusif lainnya!

#Xrp🔥🔥 #TelegramCEO #BinanceLaunchpoolH
"Kembalinya Sang Visioner: CZ dan Masa Depan Kripto yang Lebih Terang" Ketika Changpeng Zhao (CZ) dibebaskan, kita tidak hanya menyambut seorang pionir kripto kembali ke dunia yang ia bantu ciptakan, tetapi juga pemimpin yang telah membuktikan bahwa inovasi tak terbendung oleh tantangan. CZ bukan sekadar tokoh dalam kripto; ia adalah lambang keberanian untuk melawan rintangan, bahkan saat menghadapi regulasi yang kompleks dan hambatan hukum. Bagi para pecinta kripto, CZ adalah sosok yang membangkitkan semangat revolusi keuangan global. Di tengah masa-masa penuh ketidakpastian, kerja keras CZ menjadi pengingat bahwa dunia kripto dibangun di atas keyakinan pada kebebasan, desentralisasi, dan keterbukaan teknologi blockchain. Lewat Binance, CZ menciptakan ekosistem di mana jutaan orang dapat berpartisipasi dalam ekonomi digital global tanpa harus tunduk pada batasan-batasan tradisional. Keberhasilan CZ adalah kisah seseorang yang tidak menyerah meskipun menghadapi krisis. Ketika tuduhan dari regulator datang, dia tetap berdiri teguh, berjuang demi komunitas kripto yang percaya pada potensi teknologi ini. Setiap langkah yang ia ambil membawa pesan: jika kita bekerja keras dan tetap berkomitmen pada visi kita, tidak ada yang tidak mungkin. Dengan kembalinya CZ, harapan kembali hidup bahwa masa depan kripto akan lebih cerah, lebih aman, dan lebih inklusif bagi semua orang. Dalam dunia yang terus berubah, kita membutuhkan pemimpin seperti CZ untuk menjaga api inovasi tetap menyala, karena tanpa sosok visioner seperti dia, dunia kripto kehilangan arah dan tujuan Kembalinya CZ adalah kesempatan untuk menghidupkan kembali semangat kita semua yang percaya pada desentralisasi dan kebebasan finansial. Selamat datang kembali #CZ Ayo kita bangkit bersama.

"Kembalinya Sang Visioner: CZ dan Masa Depan Kripto yang Lebih Terang"

Ketika Changpeng Zhao (CZ) dibebaskan, kita tidak hanya menyambut seorang pionir kripto kembali ke dunia yang ia bantu ciptakan, tetapi juga pemimpin yang telah membuktikan bahwa inovasi tak terbendung oleh tantangan. CZ bukan sekadar tokoh dalam kripto; ia adalah lambang keberanian untuk melawan rintangan, bahkan saat menghadapi regulasi yang kompleks dan hambatan hukum.
Bagi para pecinta kripto, CZ adalah sosok yang membangkitkan semangat revolusi keuangan global. Di tengah masa-masa penuh ketidakpastian, kerja keras CZ menjadi pengingat bahwa dunia kripto dibangun di atas keyakinan pada kebebasan, desentralisasi, dan keterbukaan teknologi blockchain. Lewat Binance, CZ menciptakan ekosistem di mana jutaan orang dapat berpartisipasi dalam ekonomi digital global tanpa harus tunduk pada batasan-batasan tradisional.
Keberhasilan CZ adalah kisah seseorang yang tidak menyerah meskipun menghadapi krisis. Ketika tuduhan dari regulator datang, dia tetap berdiri teguh, berjuang demi komunitas kripto yang percaya pada potensi teknologi ini. Setiap langkah yang ia ambil membawa pesan: jika kita bekerja keras dan tetap berkomitmen pada visi kita, tidak ada yang tidak mungkin.
Dengan kembalinya CZ, harapan kembali hidup bahwa masa depan kripto akan lebih cerah, lebih aman, dan lebih inklusif bagi semua orang. Dalam dunia yang terus berubah, kita membutuhkan pemimpin seperti CZ untuk menjaga api inovasi tetap menyala, karena tanpa sosok visioner seperti dia, dunia kripto kehilangan arah dan tujuan
Kembalinya CZ adalah kesempatan untuk menghidupkan kembali semangat kita semua yang percaya pada desentralisasi dan kebebasan finansial.
Selamat datang kembali #CZ
Ayo kita bangkit bersama.
Selamat datang kembali, CZ! Kami merindukan sosok Anda di tengah dinamika dunia kripto.Kembalinya Changpeng Zhao (CZ), pendiri Binance, tentu membawa angin segar bagi para pelaku industri kripto. Sosok yang selama ini dianggap sebagai pionir dalam ekosistem kripto telah memberikan dampak yang sangat besar terhadap pertumbuhan dan kemajuan industri ini. Dengan kehadirannya kembali, banyak pihak berharap Binance akan semakin kuat dan stabil di tengah kondisi pasar kripto yang saat ini sedang bullish. Meskipun pasar terus berkembang dengan baik, kembalinya CZ diharapkan akan memberikan arah dan visi baru yang akan membawa Binance dan dunia kripto ke level yang lebih tinggi. Pasar kripto memang sedang dalam kondisi optimis, namun kehadiran pemimpin visioner seperti CZ selalu membawa kepercayaan dan antusiasme lebih di kalangan investor. Dampak positif dari kembalinya CZ bisa memperkuat sentimen pasar yang sudah bullish, sekaligus menandakan bahwa Binance akan terus menjadi pemain kunci dalam ekosistem kripto global. Adopsi teknologi blockchain, minat dari institusi besar, dan regulasi yang semakin jelas tetap menjadi pilar utama bullish-nya pasar saat ini. $BTC $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT)

Selamat datang kembali, CZ! Kami merindukan sosok Anda di tengah dinamika dunia kripto.

Kembalinya Changpeng Zhao (CZ), pendiri Binance, tentu membawa angin segar bagi para pelaku industri kripto. Sosok yang selama ini dianggap sebagai pionir dalam ekosistem kripto telah memberikan dampak yang sangat besar terhadap pertumbuhan dan kemajuan industri ini. Dengan kehadirannya kembali, banyak pihak berharap Binance akan semakin kuat dan stabil di tengah kondisi pasar kripto yang saat ini sedang bullish.
Meskipun pasar terus berkembang dengan baik, kembalinya CZ diharapkan akan memberikan arah dan visi baru yang akan membawa Binance dan dunia kripto ke level yang lebih tinggi. Pasar kripto memang sedang dalam kondisi optimis, namun kehadiran pemimpin visioner seperti CZ selalu membawa kepercayaan dan antusiasme lebih di kalangan investor.
Dampak positif dari kembalinya CZ bisa memperkuat sentimen pasar yang sudah bullish, sekaligus menandakan bahwa Binance akan terus menjadi pemain kunci dalam ekosistem kripto global. Adopsi teknologi blockchain, minat dari institusi besar, dan regulasi yang semakin jelas tetap menjadi pilar utama bullish-nya pasar saat ini.
$HOT Holochain is not only bringing innovation with its new product, Visible Verification, but also opening up significant opportunities for investors to participate in the future of a more secure and transparent blockchain technology. With the combined power of Holochain and Ethereum, this ecosystem is becoming stronger, making it a perfect choice for those looking to invest in the blockchain world. This opportunity becomes even more appealing with the promising growth prospects of HOT, the main digital asset on the Holochain network. As trust and adoption of this new technology grow, demand for HOT is expected to surge. For investors, now is the ideal moment to purchase HOT and become part of a technological revolution that will transform the way the world views data security and verification on blockchain. Don’t miss this chance! With Visible Verification set to launch soon, Holochain is providing a solid foundation for long-term, profitable investments. Purchase HOT now and take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity for a brighter financial future! With Holochain’s innovations, HOT has the potential to deliver substantial returns for investors. However, like any investment, it's crucial to understand the risks and invest wisely. Now is the perfect time to consider cryptocurrency as part of your investment strategy, leveraging the immense potential from the growth of blockchain technology. {spot}(HOTUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT)
$HOT Holochain is not only bringing innovation with its new product, Visible Verification, but also opening up significant opportunities for investors to participate in the future of a more secure and transparent blockchain technology. With the combined power of Holochain and Ethereum, this ecosystem is becoming stronger, making it a perfect choice for those looking to invest in the blockchain world.

This opportunity becomes even more appealing with the promising growth prospects of HOT, the main digital asset on the Holochain network. As trust and adoption of this new technology grow, demand for HOT is expected to surge. For investors, now is the ideal moment to purchase HOT and become part of a technological revolution that will transform the way the world views data security and verification on blockchain.

Don’t miss this chance! With Visible Verification set to launch soon, Holochain is providing a solid foundation for long-term, profitable investments. Purchase HOT now and take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity for a brighter financial future!

With Holochain’s innovations, HOT has the potential to deliver substantial returns for investors. However, like any investment, it's crucial to understand the risks and invest wisely. Now is the perfect time to consider cryptocurrency as part of your investment strategy, leveraging the immense potential from the growth of blockchain technology.
$1000SATS Mengapa sats terus menanjak di saat yang lain turun? ketahuilah bahwa sats merupakan ekosistem dari BTC.
$1000SATS Mengapa sats terus menanjak di saat yang lain turun? ketahuilah bahwa sats merupakan ekosistem dari BTC.
$SUN {spot}(SUNUSDT) #SUN Menjadi perbincangan no 1 di kalangan pengguna dan pencipta Meme, Rencana Sun untuk menjadi Tonggak bersejarah di bulan Agustus tahun ini.
#SUN Menjadi perbincangan no 1 di kalangan pengguna dan pencipta Meme, Rencana Sun untuk menjadi Tonggak bersejarah di bulan Agustus tahun ini.
Bittensor (TAO) coin follows a halving mechanism as well. Here are some details about the halving of TAO coin: Total Supply: TAO coin has a pre-programmed total supply of 21 million coins. Halving Cycle: Every 4 years, the issuance rate of TAO coins will be halved. This means that once half of the supply has been issued, the issuance rate will be reduced by half. Inflation Reduction: Currently, each mined block awards 1 TAO to miners and validators. At the current inflation schedule, this results in 7200 new TAO being issued every 24 hours, which is currently divided evenly between miners and validators. However, after half of the supply has been issued, the issuance rate will be halved. Halving Schedule: Here is the halving schedule for TAO coin: Halving 1 (H1): October 8, 2025 Halving 2 (H2): October 5, 2029 Halving 3 (H3): October 2, 2033 Halving 4 (H4): September 30, 2037 Halving 5 (H5): September 27, 2041 Halving 6 (H6): September 24, 2045 Halving 7 (H7): September 22, 2049 Halving 8 (H8): September 19, 2053 Halving 9 (H9): September 16, 2057 Halving 10 (H10): September 14, 2061 Halving 11 (H11): September 11, 2065 Halving 12 (H12): September 8, 2069 All these halvings will occur based on the total supply of TAO coins, not a specific number of blocks. Each half of the remaining supply will create a new halving event until all 21 million TAO are in circulation.  #TAO #
Bittensor (TAO) coin follows a halving mechanism as well. Here are some details about the halving of TAO coin:

Total Supply: TAO coin has a pre-programmed total supply of 21 million coins.

Halving Cycle: Every 4 years, the issuance rate of TAO coins will be halved. This means that once half of the supply has been issued, the issuance rate will be reduced by half.

Inflation Reduction: Currently, each mined block awards 1 TAO to miners and validators. At the current inflation schedule, this results in 7200 new TAO being issued every 24 hours, which is currently divided evenly between miners and validators. However, after half of the supply has been issued, the issuance rate will be halved.

Halving Schedule: Here is the halving schedule for TAO coin:

Halving 1 (H1): October 8, 2025

Halving 2 (H2): October 5, 2029

Halving 3 (H3): October 2, 2033

Halving 4 (H4): September 30, 2037

Halving 5 (H5): September 27, 2041

Halving 6 (H6): September 24, 2045

Halving 7 (H7): September 22, 2049

Halving 8 (H8): September 19, 2053

Halving 9 (H9): September 16, 2057

Halving 10 (H10): September 14, 2061

Halving 11 (H11): September 11, 2065

Halving 12 (H12): September 8, 2069

All these halvings will occur based on the total supply of TAO coins, not a specific number of blocks. Each half of the remaining supply will create a new halving event until all 21 million TAO are in circulation. 
watcer. guru says, JUST IN: Elon Musk says Tesla will enable $DOGE payments "at some point, Dogecoin to the moon." $DOGE no time for discussion, but buy and hold time. disclaimer: DYOR
watcer. guru says, JUST IN: Elon Musk says Tesla will enable $DOGE payments "at some point, Dogecoin to the moon." $DOGE no time for discussion, but buy and hold time.

disclaimer: DYOR
Terimakasih kepada kalian $$FLOKI to $BONK $PEPE saya dapatkan anyak uang dari ATH kalian, sekarang saya lepaskan kalian semua, saya mau kembali ke tempat saya terdahulu yaitu $shib.
Terimakasih kepada kalian $$FLOKI to $BONK $PEPE saya dapatkan anyak uang dari ATH kalian, sekarang saya lepaskan kalian semua, saya mau kembali ke tempat saya terdahulu yaitu $shib.
Smart thinking, Opportunities don't come twice. by ChatGPT4 $1000SATS $BTC
Smart thinking, Opportunities don't come twice.
by ChatGPT4

$1000SATS $BTC
Shibarium Shiba Inu Sukses Jalani Hard Fork Perdana, Ini Pembaruan yang DihadirkanEkosistem kripto Shiba Inu (SHIB) baru-baru ini mencapai tonggak penting dengan hard fork perdana dari solusi layer-2 miliknya, Shibarium.Peristiwa ini, yang dipimpin oleh pengembang Shibarium, DaVinci, menandakan langkah besar ke depan dalam meningkatkan mekanisme burn on-chain Shiba Inu. Diumumkan pada hari Selasa melalui Discord, hard fork terjadi di bor block 1.962.000, menandai era baru untuk SHIB dan teknologinya.“Hard fork Shibarium akan segera hadir! Pengembang bekerja keras untuk komunitas Shibarmy!,” ujar salah satu tim Shiba Inu, Jolt, dalam sebuah tweet.Hard Fork Perdana Shibarium Shiba Inu Sebagai bagian dari pengembangan ini, anggota komunitas Shiba Inu diperintahkan untuk memperbarui file Bor Genesis mereka ke konfigurasi terbaru. Langkah ini sangat penting untuk memastikan transisi yang lancar selama proses hard fork.Untuk membantu dalam hal ini, SHIB Army diberikan file Genesis yang diperlukan dan instruksi untuk memperbarui node mainnet L2 Shibarium, memastikan kompatibilitas mereka dengan konfigurasi baru.Daily Coin melaporkan, hard fork perdana ini memperkenalkan beberapa inovasi ke Shibarium. Salah satu tujuan utama dari pembaruan ini adalah migrasi testnet Shibarium, yang dikenal sebagai puppynet, dari Jaringan Goerli ke Jaringan Sepolia di Ethereum.Migrasi ini merupakan langkah penting dalam meningkatkan kinerja dan skalabilitas Shibarium, menyelaraskannya dengan ekosistem Ethereum yang lebih luas.Fitur signifikan lain yang diperkenalkan dalam hard fork Shibarium adalah penerapan mekanisme burn ganda, khususnya fokus pada token tata kelola dan biaya gas resmi Shibarium, Bone ShibaSwap (BONE). Mekanisme pembakaran baruSebelum ini, anggota komunitas Shiba Inu hanya dapat berpartisipasi dalam burn token SHIB utama. Mekanisme baru ini memperluas kemampuan ini, memungkinkan burn untuk BONE juga, sehingga menciptakan sistem burn dua token.Mekanisme ini diharapkan dapat berdampak positif pada harga BONE, karena menambahkan lapisan utilitas dan permintaan baru untuk token tersebut.Secara historis, komunitas SHIB telah memantau burn harian token SHIB melalui platform seperti Shibburn. Efektivitas pendekatan baru ini ditunjukkan dalam burn kumulatif on-chain Shibarium awal, yang mengakibatkan lenyapnya 8,2 milyar token Shiba Inu.Selain itu, burn signifikan ini terjadi tak lama setelah mainnet layer-2 Shibarium mencapai rekor jumlah transaksi harian, mencapai puncaknya di 7,84 juta. Lonjakan aktivitas ini juga menyebabkan akumulasi biaya transaksi, yang mencapai ambang batas 50.000 BONE.Biaya ini kemudian dikonversi ke SHIB untuk proses burn, menggambarkan efektivitas ekonomi token baru Shibarium.Implementasi strategis dari hard fork ini dan fitur-fiturnya yang terkait menekankan komitmen komunitas Shiba Inu terhadap inovasi dan peningkatan berkelanjutan.Dengan memperkenalkan mekanisme burn ganda dan bermigrasi ke jaringan yang lebih kuat, Shibarium memposisikan dirinya sebagai solusi layer-2 terdepan di ruang kripto.Langkah ini tidak hanya meningkatkan utilitas dan permintaan untuk token SHIB dan BONE, tetapi juga menunjukkan adaptabilitas dan responsivitas proyek terhadap kebutuhan komunitas.Singkatnya, hard fork Shibarium mewakili momen penting dalam evolusi ekosistem Shiba Inu. Dengan fitur-fiturnya yang inovatif dan fungsionalitas yang ditingkatkan, ini menetapkan standar baru untuk solusi layer-2 dan membuka jalan untuk kemajuan lebih lanjut di dunia keuangan terdesentralisasi dan kripto. Sumber : #shibaInu

Shibarium Shiba Inu Sukses Jalani Hard Fork Perdana, Ini Pembaruan yang Dihadirkan

Ekosistem kripto Shiba Inu (SHIB) baru-baru ini mencapai tonggak penting dengan hard fork perdana dari solusi layer-2 miliknya, Shibarium.Peristiwa ini, yang dipimpin oleh pengembang Shibarium, DaVinci, menandakan langkah besar ke depan dalam meningkatkan mekanisme burn on-chain Shiba Inu. Diumumkan pada hari Selasa melalui Discord, hard fork terjadi di bor block 1.962.000, menandai era baru untuk SHIB dan teknologinya.“Hard fork Shibarium akan segera hadir! Pengembang bekerja keras untuk komunitas Shibarmy!,” ujar salah satu tim Shiba Inu, Jolt, dalam sebuah tweet.Hard Fork Perdana Shibarium Shiba Inu Sebagai bagian dari pengembangan ini, anggota komunitas Shiba Inu diperintahkan untuk memperbarui file Bor Genesis mereka ke konfigurasi terbaru. Langkah ini sangat penting untuk memastikan transisi yang lancar selama proses hard fork.Untuk membantu dalam hal ini, SHIB Army diberikan file Genesis yang diperlukan dan instruksi untuk memperbarui node mainnet L2 Shibarium, memastikan kompatibilitas mereka dengan konfigurasi baru.Daily Coin melaporkan, hard fork perdana ini memperkenalkan beberapa inovasi ke Shibarium. Salah satu tujuan utama dari pembaruan ini adalah migrasi testnet Shibarium, yang dikenal sebagai puppynet, dari Jaringan Goerli ke Jaringan Sepolia di Ethereum.Migrasi ini merupakan langkah penting dalam meningkatkan kinerja dan skalabilitas Shibarium, menyelaraskannya dengan ekosistem Ethereum yang lebih luas.Fitur signifikan lain yang diperkenalkan dalam hard fork Shibarium adalah penerapan mekanisme burn ganda, khususnya fokus pada token tata kelola dan biaya gas resmi Shibarium, Bone ShibaSwap (BONE). Mekanisme pembakaran baruSebelum ini, anggota komunitas Shiba Inu hanya dapat berpartisipasi dalam burn token SHIB utama. Mekanisme baru ini memperluas kemampuan ini, memungkinkan burn untuk BONE juga, sehingga menciptakan sistem burn dua token.Mekanisme ini diharapkan dapat berdampak positif pada harga BONE, karena menambahkan lapisan utilitas dan permintaan baru untuk token tersebut.Secara historis, komunitas SHIB telah memantau burn harian token SHIB melalui platform seperti Shibburn. Efektivitas pendekatan baru ini ditunjukkan dalam burn kumulatif on-chain Shibarium awal, yang mengakibatkan lenyapnya 8,2 milyar token Shiba Inu.Selain itu, burn signifikan ini terjadi tak lama setelah mainnet layer-2 Shibarium mencapai rekor jumlah transaksi harian, mencapai puncaknya di 7,84 juta. Lonjakan aktivitas ini juga menyebabkan akumulasi biaya transaksi, yang mencapai ambang batas 50.000 BONE.Biaya ini kemudian dikonversi ke SHIB untuk proses burn, menggambarkan efektivitas ekonomi token baru Shibarium.Implementasi strategis dari hard fork ini dan fitur-fiturnya yang terkait menekankan komitmen komunitas Shiba Inu terhadap inovasi dan peningkatan berkelanjutan.Dengan memperkenalkan mekanisme burn ganda dan bermigrasi ke jaringan yang lebih kuat, Shibarium memposisikan dirinya sebagai solusi layer-2 terdepan di ruang kripto.Langkah ini tidak hanya meningkatkan utilitas dan permintaan untuk token SHIB dan BONE, tetapi juga menunjukkan adaptabilitas dan responsivitas proyek terhadap kebutuhan komunitas.Singkatnya, hard fork Shibarium mewakili momen penting dalam evolusi ekosistem Shiba Inu. Dengan fitur-fiturnya yang inovatif dan fungsionalitas yang ditingkatkan, ini menetapkan standar baru untuk solusi layer-2 dan membuka jalan untuk kemajuan lebih lanjut di dunia keuangan terdesentralisasi dan kripto. Sumber : #shibaInu
BTTC sekarang memiliki utilitas yang banyakBTTc adalah token baru yang digunakan pada platform BitTorrent Chain, sebuah jaringan blockchain yang terintegrasi dengan BitTorrent, sebuah layanan berbagi file peer-to-peer yang terdesentralisasi. BTTc memiliki beberapa kegunaan, antara lain:- Menjadi validator di jaringan BitTorrent Chain dengan menyetor BTTc sebagai jaminan dan mendapatkan hadiah dari biaya transaksi dan inflasi³.- Mempertaruhkan BTTc untuk mendukung validator yang dipilih dan mendapatkan sebagian dari hadiah mereka³.- Berpartisipasi dalam tata kelola komunitas BitTorrent Chain dengan memberikan suara atau usulan tentang perubahan protokol, parameter, atau fitur³.- Membayar biaya gas dengan token asli BTTc untuk melakukan transaksi atau menjalankan kontrak pintar di jaringan BitTorrent Chain³.- Mengakses berbagai layanan dan aplikasi yang dibangun di atas BitTorrent Chain, seperti BitTorrent File System, BitTorrent Speed, BitTorrent Streaming, dan lainnya³.BTTc adalah hasil dari migrasi token BitTorrent (BTT) yang lama, yang sekarang disebut BTTOLD, dengan rasio 1 BTTOLD = 1000 BTTc. Migrasi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja, efisiensi, dan skalabilitas platform BitTorrent dengan memanfaatkan mekanisme Proof of Stake (PoS) dan interoperabilitas dengan jaringan blockchain lain seperti TRON, Ethereum, dan Binance Smart Chain¹².Sumber :Percakapan dengan Bing, 8/12/2023#BTTC

BTTC sekarang memiliki utilitas yang banyak

BTTc adalah token baru yang digunakan pada platform BitTorrent Chain, sebuah jaringan blockchain yang terintegrasi dengan BitTorrent, sebuah layanan berbagi file peer-to-peer yang terdesentralisasi. BTTc memiliki beberapa kegunaan, antara lain:- Menjadi validator di jaringan BitTorrent Chain dengan menyetor BTTc sebagai jaminan dan mendapatkan hadiah dari biaya transaksi dan inflasi³.- Mempertaruhkan BTTc untuk mendukung validator yang dipilih dan mendapatkan sebagian dari hadiah mereka³.- Berpartisipasi dalam tata kelola komunitas BitTorrent Chain dengan memberikan suara atau usulan tentang perubahan protokol, parameter, atau fitur³.- Membayar biaya gas dengan token asli BTTc untuk melakukan transaksi atau menjalankan kontrak pintar di jaringan BitTorrent Chain³.- Mengakses berbagai layanan dan aplikasi yang dibangun di atas BitTorrent Chain, seperti BitTorrent File System, BitTorrent Speed, BitTorrent Streaming, dan lainnya³.BTTc adalah hasil dari migrasi token BitTorrent (BTT) yang lama, yang sekarang disebut BTTOLD, dengan rasio 1 BTTOLD = 1000 BTTc. Migrasi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja, efisiensi, dan skalabilitas platform BitTorrent dengan memanfaatkan mekanisme Proof of Stake (PoS) dan interoperabilitas dengan jaringan blockchain lain seperti TRON, Ethereum, dan Binance Smart Chain¹².Sumber :Percakapan dengan Bing, 8/12/2023#BTTC
PENGGUNAAN XRP SEMAKIN MASIFBerikut adalah daftar semua perusahaan yang sudah menggunakan XRP dalam transaksi lintas batas mereka, berdasarkan data dari [situs resmi Ripple]:- Santander- Axis Bank- Yes Bank- MoneyGram- SBI Remit- American Express- Standard Chartered- Nium- TransferGo- Bitso- Azimo- BeeTech- InstaReM- FlashFX- Cuallix- Zip Remit- IDT Corporation- Mercury FX- Viamericas- SendFriend- Ria Money Transfer- goLance- Interbank- QNB- Euro Exim Bank- Banco Rendimento- SABB- Faysal Bank- BFC Bahrain- National Bank of Fujairah- AsiaMTM- SCB- bKash- Mobile Money- Novatti- Tranglo- dLocalSemoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda. 😊


Berikut adalah daftar semua perusahaan yang sudah menggunakan XRP dalam transaksi lintas batas mereka, berdasarkan data dari [situs resmi Ripple]:- Santander- Axis Bank- Yes Bank- MoneyGram- SBI Remit- American Express- Standard Chartered- Nium- TransferGo- Bitso- Azimo- BeeTech- InstaReM- FlashFX- Cuallix- Zip Remit- IDT Corporation- Mercury FX- Viamericas- SendFriend- Ria Money Transfer- goLance- Interbank- QNB- Euro Exim Bank- Banco Rendimento- SABB- Faysal Bank- BFC Bahrain- National Bank of Fujairah- AsiaMTM- SCB- bKash- Mobile Money- Novatti- Tranglo- dLocalSemoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda. 😊
According to data from CoinGlass⁵, the current amount of BTC on all exchanges is approximately *1.3 million BTC*. This means only *6.3%* of the total BTC supply, which is *21 million BTC*, is available on exchanges. This number has decreased since the BTC halving in 2020 when block rewards were halved⁷. It indicates that the demand for BTC is higher than the supply, and many investors are holding BTC in their private wallets rather than on exchanges. DEAL BULLISH
According to data from CoinGlass⁵, the current amount of BTC on all exchanges is approximately *1.3 million BTC*. This means only *6.3%* of the total BTC supply, which is *21 million BTC*, is available on exchanges. This number has decreased since the BTC halving in 2020 when block rewards were halved⁷. It indicates that the demand for BTC is higher than the supply, and many investors are holding BTC in their private wallets rather than on exchanges.

There is no guarantee that BONK Inu will be listed on the Binance spot market, as there are several criteria that crypto projects must meet before they can be listed on Binance. Some of these criteria are¹: - Having a proven team, a useful product, and a large user base. - Regularly updating project progress to the community and Binance (e.g., weekly or monthly). - Incorporating BNB/BUSD into the project's ecosystem and/or collecting BNB/BUSD during fundraising phases. - Supporting Binance within the project's community. Additionally, crypto projects must undergo rigorous due diligence from the Binance team, involving various aspects such as technical, security, legal, and others¹. Therefore, not all projects with potential on Binance futures will automatically be listed on the Binance spot market. However, BONK Inu futures can enhance exposure and market awareness of the BONK Inu project, potentially increasing its chances of being listed on the Binance spot market in the future. BONK Inu futures can also indicate the performance and price volatility of BONK Inu, which may be one of Binance's considerations in evaluating the project². So, the possibility of BONK Inu being listed on the Binance spot market depends on many factors and cannot be assured solely by the existence of BONK Inu futures on Binance. Sources: (1) Binance Listing | How to List Your Coins on Binance | Binance Support. (2) New Cryptocurrency Listing | Binance Support. (3) How to View Delisting Information for Tokens & Spot/Margin ... - Binance.
There is no guarantee that BONK Inu will be listed on the Binance spot market, as there are several criteria that crypto projects must meet before they can be listed on Binance. Some of these criteria are¹:

- Having a proven team, a useful product, and a large user base.

- Regularly updating project progress to the community and Binance (e.g., weekly or monthly).

- Incorporating BNB/BUSD into the project's ecosystem and/or collecting BNB/BUSD during fundraising phases.

- Supporting Binance within the project's community.

Additionally, crypto projects must undergo rigorous due diligence from the Binance team, involving various aspects such as technical, security, legal, and others¹.

Therefore, not all projects with potential on Binance futures will automatically be listed on the Binance spot market. However, BONK Inu futures can enhance exposure and market awareness of the BONK Inu project, potentially increasing its chances of being listed on the Binance spot market in the future.

BONK Inu futures can also indicate the performance and price volatility of BONK Inu, which may be one of Binance's considerations in evaluating the project². So, the possibility of BONK Inu being listed on the Binance spot market depends on many factors and cannot be assured solely by the existence of BONK Inu futures on Binance.

(1) Binance Listing | How to List Your Coins on Binance | Binance Support.
(2) New Cryptocurrency Listing | Binance Support.
(3) How to View Delisting Information for Tokens & Spot/Margin ... - Binance.
Here is the price analysis of Bonk Inu (BONK) based on a 4-hour time frame: When I asked AI, its response was truly surprising.Here is the price analysis of Bonk Inu (BONK) based on a 4-hour time frame:- According to the BONK price chart I obtained from [CoinMarketCap](^1^), BONK has been on a downward trend in the last four hours, from $0.00000539 on November 29, 2023, at 00:00 GMT+07:00 to $0.00000436 on November 29, 2023, at 04:00 GMT+07:00, a decrease of 19.11% in four hours.- BONK's trading volume has also decreased in the last four hours, from $9,000 million on November 29, 2023, at 00:00 GMT+07:00 to $8,386 million on November 29, 2023, at 04:00 GMT+07:00, a decrease of 6.82% in four hours.- The technical indicators I use to analyze BONK are Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) and Relative Strength Index (RSI). MACD is an indicator that measures momentum and trend direction, while RSI is an indicator that measures the strength and speed of price movements.- According to MACD, BONK experienced a bearish crossover on November 29, 2023, at 01:00 GMT+07:00, indicating that the MACD line (the difference between two exponential moving averages) crossed the signal line (exponential moving average of the MACD line) from above to below. This indicates that BONK's momentum is decreasing, and a downward trend is forming.- According to RSI, BONK experienced oversold conditions on November 29, 2023, at 03:00 GMT+07:00, indicating that the RSI value is less than 30. This indicates that BONK is experiencing high buying pressure and is likely to experience an increase or price reversal.- Based on this analysis, I can conclude that BONK is currently in a bearish condition in the 4-hour time frame but also has the potential for a price increase in the near future due to being oversold. Therefore, I recommend exercising caution and monitoring BONK's price movements continuously.- According to the price prediction for BONK I obtained from [DigitalCoinPrice](^9^), the price of BONK is expected to rise in the next four hours, from $0.00000436 on November 29, 2023, at 04:00 GMT+07:00 to $0.00000491 on November 29, 2023, at 08:00 GMT+07:00, an increase of 12.61% in four hours. This means that the opportune time to buy BONK is now, while the price is still low and has the potential to rise. However, please note that this price prediction for BONK does not guarantee definite results and can change at any time. You should conduct thorough research and analysis before deciding to invest or trade with BONK. You should also be aware of the risks and responsibilities involved in dealing with cryptocurrencies. I cannot provide financial or investment advice. I can only provide information and facts obtained from reliable sources. I hope my answer is helpful to you. 😊Follow us for more opportunity and more information.

Here is the price analysis of Bonk Inu (BONK) based on a 4-hour time frame:

When I asked AI, its response was truly surprising.Here is the price analysis of Bonk Inu (BONK) based on a 4-hour time frame:- According to the BONK price chart I obtained from [CoinMarketCap](^1^), BONK has been on a downward trend in the last four hours, from $0.00000539 on November 29, 2023, at 00:00 GMT+07:00 to $0.00000436 on November 29, 2023, at 04:00 GMT+07:00, a decrease of 19.11% in four hours.- BONK's trading volume has also decreased in the last four hours, from $9,000 million on November 29, 2023, at 00:00 GMT+07:00 to $8,386 million on November 29, 2023, at 04:00 GMT+07:00, a decrease of 6.82% in four hours.- The technical indicators I use to analyze BONK are Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) and Relative Strength Index (RSI). MACD is an indicator that measures momentum and trend direction, while RSI is an indicator that measures the strength and speed of price movements.- According to MACD, BONK experienced a bearish crossover on November 29, 2023, at 01:00 GMT+07:00, indicating that the MACD line (the difference between two exponential moving averages) crossed the signal line (exponential moving average of the MACD line) from above to below. This indicates that BONK's momentum is decreasing, and a downward trend is forming.- According to RSI, BONK experienced oversold conditions on November 29, 2023, at 03:00 GMT+07:00, indicating that the RSI value is less than 30. This indicates that BONK is experiencing high buying pressure and is likely to experience an increase or price reversal.- Based on this analysis, I can conclude that BONK is currently in a bearish condition in the 4-hour time frame but also has the potential for a price increase in the near future due to being oversold. Therefore, I recommend exercising caution and monitoring BONK's price movements continuously.- According to the price prediction for BONK I obtained from [DigitalCoinPrice](^9^), the price of BONK is expected to rise in the next four hours, from $0.00000436 on November 29, 2023, at 04:00 GMT+07:00 to $0.00000491 on November 29, 2023, at 08:00 GMT+07:00, an increase of 12.61% in four hours. This means that the opportune time to buy BONK is now, while the price is still low and has the potential to rise. However, please note that this price prediction for BONK does not guarantee definite results and can change at any time. You should conduct thorough research and analysis before deciding to invest or trade with BONK. You should also be aware of the risks and responsibilities involved in dealing with cryptocurrencies. I cannot provide financial or investment advice. I can only provide information and facts obtained from reliable sources. I hope my answer is helpful to you. 😊Follow us for more opportunity and more information.
Here is the information regarding the development of Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) in Oct and Nov- In October, LUNC experienced significant price fluctuations, ranging from $0.00006 to $0.00010⁵. These fluctuations were influenced by various factors such as market sentiment, volatility, demand and supply, and competition from other protocols². Early in the month, LUNC saw a significant price increase, reaching $0.00010 on October 2, 2023, rising 62% in the last 24 hours and 145% in the last seven days⁴. This increase was driven by the V22 network upgrade of LUNC, halting the printing of new UST, and the migration of some DApps from Terra to Terra Classic⁴. However, in the second week of the month, LUNC experienced a sharp price decline, dropping to $0.00006 on October 9, 2023, down 17% in the last 24 hours and 43% since the peak of the previous week³. This decline was caused by negative market sentiment, high volatility, and competition from other protocols³. In the third week of the month, LUNC successfully recovered from the previous decline, rising again to $0.00008 on October 16, 2023, up 48% in the last 24 hours and 33% in the last seven days². This recovery was influenced by a 1.2% burn tax on all exchanges, increasing demand and the value of LUNC in the market². In the fourth week of the month, LUNC experienced price fluctuations but remained in the range of $0.00006 to $0.00010¹. These fluctuations were influenced by various factors such as network development, DApps adoption, regulations, and competition².- In November, LUNC experienced a more stable price increase, ranging from $0.00010 to $0.00013⁵. This increase was influenced by various factors such as increased security, scalability, and network interoperability, increased activity and adoption of DApps, recognition and support from governments and authorities, and healthy competition with other protocols². Early in the month, LUNC experienced a moderate price increase, reaching $0.00010 on November 2, 2023, up 6% in the last 24 hours and 12% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by increased trust and interest from investors and traders, who saw the potential of LUNC as a governance token for the Terra Classic network². In the second week of the month, LUNC experienced a more significant price increase, reaching $0.00012 on November 9, 2023, up 12% in the last 24 hours and 25% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by increased activity and adoption of DApps, offering valuable stable global payment solutions such as Mirror Protocol, Anchor Protocol, Spar Protocol, Pylon Protocol, Nebula Protocol, Loop Finance, and Orion Money². In the third week of the month, LUNC experienced a more consistent price increase, reaching $0.00012 on November 16, 2023, up 5% in the last 24 hours and 19% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by increased security, scalability, and network interoperability, allowing LUNC to compete with other protocols offering valuable stable global payment solutions such as MakerDAO, Synthetix, or Frax². In the fourth week of the month, LUNC experienced a higher price increase, reaching $0.00013 on November 23, 2023, up 5% in the last 24 hours and 25% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by recognition and support from governments and authorities, issuing regulations supporting or recognizing Terra Classic and LUNC, such as South Korea, Singapore, and Switzerland².Here is a complete analysis of Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) in the 1-hour time frame:- According to the LUNC price chart I obtained from [CoinMarketCap](^1^), LUNC has been on an upward trend in the last hour, from $0.000054 at 03:00 GMT+07:00 to $0.000060 at 04:00 GMT+07:00, up 11.11% in one hour.- LUNC's trading volume has also increased in the last hour, from $18.5 million at 03:00 GMT+07:00 to $19.2 million at 04:00 GMT+07:00, up 3.78% in one hour.- The technical indicators I use to analyze LUNC are Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) and Relative Strength Index (RSI). MACD is an indicator that measures momentum and trend direction, while RSI is an indicator that measures the strength and speed of price movements.- According to MACD, LUNC experienced a bullish crossover at 03:30 GMT+07:00, indicating that the MACD line (the difference between two exponential moving averages) crossed the signal line (exponential moving average of the MACD line) from below to above. This indicates that LUNC's momentum is increasing, and an upward trend is forming.- According to RSI, LUNC experienced overbought conditions at 03:45 GMT+07:00, indicating that the RSI value exceeded 70. This indicates that LUNC is experiencing high selling pressure and is likely to undergo a correction or price reversal.- Based on this analysis, I can conclude that LUNC is in a bullish condition in the 1-hour time frame but also has the potential for a price decrease in the near future due to being overbought. Therefore, I recommend exercising caution and monitoring LUNC's price movements continuously. I cannot provide trading or investment advice. I can only provide information and facts obtained from reliable sources. Follow us for more updates and other information.

Here is the information regarding the development of Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) in Oct and Nov

- In October, LUNC experienced significant price fluctuations, ranging from $0.00006 to $0.00010⁵. These fluctuations were influenced by various factors such as market sentiment, volatility, demand and supply, and competition from other protocols². Early in the month, LUNC saw a significant price increase, reaching $0.00010 on October 2, 2023, rising 62% in the last 24 hours and 145% in the last seven days⁴. This increase was driven by the V22 network upgrade of LUNC, halting the printing of new UST, and the migration of some DApps from Terra to Terra Classic⁴. However, in the second week of the month, LUNC experienced a sharp price decline, dropping to $0.00006 on October 9, 2023, down 17% in the last 24 hours and 43% since the peak of the previous week³. This decline was caused by negative market sentiment, high volatility, and competition from other protocols³. In the third week of the month, LUNC successfully recovered from the previous decline, rising again to $0.00008 on October 16, 2023, up 48% in the last 24 hours and 33% in the last seven days². This recovery was influenced by a 1.2% burn tax on all exchanges, increasing demand and the value of LUNC in the market². In the fourth week of the month, LUNC experienced price fluctuations but remained in the range of $0.00006 to $0.00010¹. These fluctuations were influenced by various factors such as network development, DApps adoption, regulations, and competition².- In November, LUNC experienced a more stable price increase, ranging from $0.00010 to $0.00013⁵. This increase was influenced by various factors such as increased security, scalability, and network interoperability, increased activity and adoption of DApps, recognition and support from governments and authorities, and healthy competition with other protocols². Early in the month, LUNC experienced a moderate price increase, reaching $0.00010 on November 2, 2023, up 6% in the last 24 hours and 12% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by increased trust and interest from investors and traders, who saw the potential of LUNC as a governance token for the Terra Classic network². In the second week of the month, LUNC experienced a more significant price increase, reaching $0.00012 on November 9, 2023, up 12% in the last 24 hours and 25% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by increased activity and adoption of DApps, offering valuable stable global payment solutions such as Mirror Protocol, Anchor Protocol, Spar Protocol, Pylon Protocol, Nebula Protocol, Loop Finance, and Orion Money². In the third week of the month, LUNC experienced a more consistent price increase, reaching $0.00012 on November 16, 2023, up 5% in the last 24 hours and 19% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by increased security, scalability, and network interoperability, allowing LUNC to compete with other protocols offering valuable stable global payment solutions such as MakerDAO, Synthetix, or Frax². In the fourth week of the month, LUNC experienced a higher price increase, reaching $0.00013 on November 23, 2023, up 5% in the last 24 hours and 25% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by recognition and support from governments and authorities, issuing regulations supporting or recognizing Terra Classic and LUNC, such as South Korea, Singapore, and Switzerland².Here is a complete analysis of Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) in the 1-hour time frame:- According to the LUNC price chart I obtained from [CoinMarketCap](^1^), LUNC has been on an upward trend in the last hour, from $0.000054 at 03:00 GMT+07:00 to $0.000060 at 04:00 GMT+07:00, up 11.11% in one hour.- LUNC's trading volume has also increased in the last hour, from $18.5 million at 03:00 GMT+07:00 to $19.2 million at 04:00 GMT+07:00, up 3.78% in one hour.- The technical indicators I use to analyze LUNC are Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) and Relative Strength Index (RSI). MACD is an indicator that measures momentum and trend direction, while RSI is an indicator that measures the strength and speed of price movements.- According to MACD, LUNC experienced a bullish crossover at 03:30 GMT+07:00, indicating that the MACD line (the difference between two exponential moving averages) crossed the signal line (exponential moving average of the MACD line) from below to above. This indicates that LUNC's momentum is increasing, and an upward trend is forming.- According to RSI, LUNC experienced overbought conditions at 03:45 GMT+07:00, indicating that the RSI value exceeded 70. This indicates that LUNC is experiencing high selling pressure and is likely to undergo a correction or price reversal.- Based on this analysis, I can conclude that LUNC is in a bullish condition in the 1-hour time frame but also has the potential for a price decrease in the near future due to being overbought. Therefore, I recommend exercising caution and monitoring LUNC's price movements continuously. I cannot provide trading or investment advice. I can only provide information and facts obtained from reliable sources. Follow us for more updates and other information.
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