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比特币第四次减半:矿工区块奖励降至3.125 BTC比特币 BTC +1.32% 的最新减半现已完成,矿工的区块补贴奖励从 6.25 BTC 降至 3.125 BTC。 比特币第四次减半发生在区块高度 840,000 处,开创了网络的新纪元。 社区中许多人希望减半会在 4 月 20 日这一令人难忘的日期到来,但在美国市场上这一希望未能实现,因为矿工似乎在补贴下跌之前提高了网络上的算力。 比特币减半被编程为每 210,000 个区块自动发生一次——大约每四年一次。 一旦发生减半事件,矿工收到的比特币就会减少 50%,作为他们开采并添加到区块链的每笔交易的补贴奖励。 然而,他们继续为正常开采的每个区块赚取额外的交易费奖励。 在此之前,比特币历史上已经发生过三次减半事件,其区块补贴通胀从 2012 年的 50 BTC 降至 25 BTC,然后在 2016 年降至 12.5 BTC,最后一次减半是在 2020 年 5 月 11 日,降至 6.25 BTC。 最新的减半意味着,矿工现在平均每天将生产约 450 BTC,而之前为 900 BTC。 从长远来看,比特币的存世量将只有 2100 万个。 减半事件将持续到最后一个比特币预计在2140年左右被开采出来。在此之后,矿工将只能从交易费中赚取收入。 业界反应——“矿工即将赢得质押” Kraken 战略主管 Thomas Perfumo 表示,由于多种原因,今天的减半(有时被称为“减半”)可能是最重要的。 “首先,2024 年 4 月之后,现有比特币中近 95% 都将被开采出来。 此外,比特币每年供应量的年化增长率很快将首次降至 1% 以下。” 尽管今年随着比特币价格上涨,矿工收入有所增加,但减半对效率较低的挖矿作业的影响程度以及补贴下跌后的整体网络指标仍有待观察。 币安首席执行官 Richard Teng 告诉 The Block,补贴奖励的减少可能会导致一些矿工退出市场,从而在下一次难度调整之前暂时影响网络的处理能力。 “过去面对此类挑战,比特币网络表现出了韧性。 挖矿技术和策略的进步,以及挖矿难度的潜在调整,可以减轻矿工参与减少的影响。” “此外,一些矿工可能会选择转向开采山寨币或探索加密货币领域的替代收入来源,这可能有助于维持整个挖矿生态系统的平衡。” “由于区块奖励减少,预计一些矿商将面临更大的压力,这可能会迫使效率较低的公司退出市场。 这可能会导致挖矿权更加中心化于规模更大、财务实力更强的实体,”Bitfinex 衍生品主管 Jag Kooner 表示。 “然而,这种转变也为该行业内的创新和效率提高提供了机会。 矿工可能会探索能源更便宜的新地区,或投资更高效的挖矿技术以维持盈利能力。 我们还看到许多矿商转移供应(可能出售或将其用作质押品),以实现流动现金流,为升级机器做好准备。”Kooner 补充道。 风险投资公司 Framework Ventures 也参与其中。 联合创始人 Michael Anderson 表示:“如果过去的比特币减半周期能够预示未来,那么即将到来的减半的影响可能要到一年多,甚至可能是 18 个月后才会显现出来。”减半前的第一个周期已达到历史新高,因此随着越来越多的机构资金进入市场,比特币减半市场趋势完全有可能发生变化。” 美国现货比特币交易所交易基金于今年 1 月开始交易,这一次无疑是一个差异化因素,迄今为止已产生超过 120 亿美元的净流入。 21Shares 研究主管阿德里安·弗里茨 (Adrian Fritz) 表示:“在这个减半周期中,矿商在交易所出售的比特币数量减少,这表明在价格飙升和 ETF 流入推动的可及性增加的情况下,矿商的立场更加乐观。”21Shares 与 Ark Invest 一起提供其中一款 ETF , 说。 与此同时,Ledger 首席技术官 Charles Guillemet 对未来的周期特别乐观。 Guillemet 向 The Block 表示:“2024 年的减半周期与之前的减半周期有很大不同,因为 SEC 的现货比特币 ETF 批准增加了对比特币的大量需求,推动比特币价格在 2024 年 3 月创下历史新高。” “由于这种前所未有的需求,如果比特币价格保持相对稳定,矿工将不必拔掉机器并出售他们的比特币储蓄来在减半后生存。 换句话说,矿工们即将赢得他们的质押”Guillemet 补充道。 随着交易费用变得越来越重要,矿工转向新的比特币生态系统活动 与区块补贴相比,交易费用历来只占比特币矿工获得的奖励的一小部分。 然而,随着本周期比特币区块链上的新活动——特别是与序数相关的活动——以及补贴价值减半,交易费用对于未来的比特币矿工来说将变得越来越重要。 弗里茨补充道:“即将到来的减半将通过减少区块奖励以及转移盈利能力和运营成本,对比特币矿工产生多方面的影响。” “矿工可能会寻求再融资方案来应对这种转变并维持运营,随着区块奖励的减少,交易费用将成为矿工的主要收入来源 – 这表明整个比特币经济的转变。” 币安首席执行官滕表示:“今年的减半是独一无二的,因为它发生在比特币和更广泛的加密货币生态系统中发生的一系列其他重大事件之中。” “除了激发机构兴趣和参与的 ETF 突破之外,当今加密货币领域的另一个主要趋势是比特币网络上的 Layer 2 和 DeFi 活动的繁荣,这得益于 Ordinals 协议和比特币铭文的流行。” 比特币序数协议由 Casey Rodarmor 于 2023 年 1 月推出,提供了一种在比特币上存储和交易数字内容的方法。 通过使用比特币的最小单位聪,用户可以将 NFT、BRC-20(类似于以太坊的 ERC-20 的可替代代币)和其他任意数据直接写入比特币区块链上,每块都成为独特的可交易资产。 “由于序数和 ETF,这次减半也是独一无二的。 ETF 带来更多资金流入。 Ordinals 为矿工提供了更多的收费收入,”Ordinals 市场和Launchpad Bioniq 的首席执行官兼联合创始人 Bob Bodily 表示。 “由于资金流入和费用市场更加一致,这一次我们不会看到像减半期间通常出现的算力下跌那么大的情况。” 此外,比特币减半时推出了一种名为 Runes 的新的比特币可替代代币标准,提供了比现有 BRC-20 铸造过程造成的 UTXO 膨胀更有效的解决方案。 UTXO(未花费的交易输出)代表用户收到但尚未花费的特定数量的比特币。 比特币 Ordinals 浏览器 联合创始人 Leonidas 告诉 The Block :“这次减半非常特别,因为它恰逢 Runes 协议的发布,这是比特币上可替代代币的标准。” “时机并非巧合。 符文协议将引发大量链上活动,这将增加比特币的网络费用,这将有助于抵消减半带来的矿工奖励减少。” 混合比特币 Layer 2 解决方案 BOB 的联合创始人 Alexei Zamyatin 表示,这个减半时代将展示矿工和比特币 Layer 2项目之间不断增长的合作,矿工寻求额外收入,而 Layer 2 寻求利用比特币的安全性。 Zamyatin 补充道:“矿工将继续寻求更多收入,并将受到激励来启动新的第 2 层比特币项目,因为基于比特币构建的用例越成功,随着每次减半奖励的减少,矿工能够赚取的收益就越多。” 闪电网络数据提供商 Amboss 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Jesse Shrader 表示,减半后可能会有更多矿池整合闪电网络,以降低支付门槛和等待时间。 “人们对比特币区块链的替代用途越来越兴奋,包括 BRC-20 2.0、Ordinal Inscriptions、Runes 和 Taproot Assets。 这些用途造成了费用上涨的压力,但只有一种接近准备好与闪电兼容以避免高额费用:Taproot Assets,”Shrader 补充道。 “上一次减半,矿工们激烈竞争,在减半区块中写入特殊信息,而现在,随着‘史诗卫星’的概念在 Ordinal 爱好者中占据极高的溢价,预计竞争将会加剧。” “在这个周期中,比特币社区对新想法变得更加开放,随着越来越多的合格团队开始构建第 2 层基础设施,我们看到风险投资领域对比特币相关技术的兴趣更大。” Ventures 的安德森说。

比特币第四次减半:矿工区块奖励降至3.125 BTC

比特币 BTC +1.32% 的最新减半现已完成,矿工的区块补贴奖励从 6.25 BTC 降至 3.125 BTC。
比特币第四次减半发生在区块高度 840,000 处,开创了网络的新纪元。 社区中许多人希望减半会在 4 月 20 日这一令人难忘的日期到来,但在美国市场上这一希望未能实现,因为矿工似乎在补贴下跌之前提高了网络上的算力。
比特币减半被编程为每 210,000 个区块自动发生一次——大约每四年一次。 一旦发生减半事件,矿工收到的比特币就会减少 50%,作为他们开采并添加到区块链的每笔交易的补贴奖励。 然而,他们继续为正常开采的每个区块赚取额外的交易费奖励。
在此之前,比特币历史上已经发生过三次减半事件,其区块补贴通胀从 2012 年的 50 BTC 降至 25 BTC,然后在 2016 年降至 12.5 BTC,最后一次减半是在 2020 年 5 月 11 日,降至 6.25 BTC。
最新的减半意味着,矿工现在平均每天将生产约 450 BTC,而之前为 900 BTC。 从长远来看,比特币的存世量将只有 2100 万个。
Kraken 战略主管 Thomas Perfumo 表示,由于多种原因,今天的减半(有时被称为“减半”)可能是最重要的。
“首先,2024 年 4 月之后,现有比特币中近 95% 都将被开采出来。 此外,比特币每年供应量的年化增长率很快将首次降至 1% 以下。”

币安首席执行官 Richard Teng 告诉 The Block,补贴奖励的减少可能会导致一些矿工退出市场,从而在下一次难度调整之前暂时影响网络的处理能力。
“过去面对此类挑战,比特币网络表现出了韧性。 挖矿技术和策略的进步,以及挖矿难度的潜在调整,可以减轻矿工参与减少的影响。” “此外,一些矿工可能会选择转向开采山寨币或探索加密货币领域的替代收入来源,这可能有助于维持整个挖矿生态系统的平衡。”
“由于区块奖励减少,预计一些矿商将面临更大的压力,这可能会迫使效率较低的公司退出市场。 这可能会导致挖矿权更加中心化于规模更大、财务实力更强的实体,”Bitfinex 衍生品主管 Jag Kooner 表示。
“然而,这种转变也为该行业内的创新和效率提高提供了机会。 矿工可能会探索能源更便宜的新地区,或投资更高效的挖矿技术以维持盈利能力。 我们还看到许多矿商转移供应(可能出售或将其用作质押品),以实现流动现金流,为升级机器做好准备。”Kooner 补充道。
风险投资公司 Framework Ventures 也参与其中。
联合创始人 Michael Anderson 表示:“如果过去的比特币减半周期能够预示未来,那么即将到来的减半的影响可能要到一年多,甚至可能是 18 个月后才会显现出来。”减半前的第一个周期已达到历史新高,因此随着越来越多的机构资金进入市场,比特币减半市场趋势完全有可能发生变化。”

美国现货比特币交易所交易基金于今年 1 月开始交易,这一次无疑是一个差异化因素,迄今为止已产生超过 120 亿美元的净流入。
21Shares 研究主管阿德里安·弗里茨 (Adrian Fritz) 表示:“在这个减半周期中,矿商在交易所出售的比特币数量减少,这表明在价格飙升和 ETF 流入推动的可及性增加的情况下,矿商的立场更加乐观。”21Shares 与 Ark Invest 一起提供其中一款 ETF , 说。

与此同时,Ledger 首席技术官 Charles Guillemet 对未来的周期特别乐观。 Guillemet 向 The Block 表示:“2024 年的减半周期与之前的减半周期有很大不同,因为 SEC 的现货比特币 ETF 批准增加了对比特币的大量需求,推动比特币价格在 2024 年 3 月创下历史新高。”
“由于这种前所未有的需求,如果比特币价格保持相对稳定,矿工将不必拔掉机器并出售他们的比特币储蓄来在减半后生存。 换句话说,矿工们即将赢得他们的质押”Guillemet 补充道。
与区块补贴相比,交易费用历来只占比特币矿工获得的奖励的一小部分。 然而,随着本周期比特币区块链上的新活动——特别是与序数相关的活动——以及补贴价值减半,交易费用对于未来的比特币矿工来说将变得越来越重要。

弗里茨补充道:“即将到来的减半将通过减少区块奖励以及转移盈利能力和运营成本,对比特币矿工产生多方面的影响。” “矿工可能会寻求再融资方案来应对这种转变并维持运营,随着区块奖励的减少,交易费用将成为矿工的主要收入来源 – 这表明整个比特币经济的转变。”
币安首席执行官滕表示:“今年的减半是独一无二的,因为它发生在比特币和更广泛的加密货币生态系统中发生的一系列其他重大事件之中。” “除了激发机构兴趣和参与的 ETF 突破之外,当今加密货币领域的另一个主要趋势是比特币网络上的 Layer 2 和 DeFi 活动的繁荣,这得益于 Ordinals 协议和比特币铭文的流行。”
比特币序数协议由 Casey Rodarmor 于 2023 年 1 月推出,提供了一种在比特币上存储和交易数字内容的方法。 通过使用比特币的最小单位聪,用户可以将 NFT、BRC-20(类似于以太坊的 ERC-20 的可替代代币)和其他任意数据直接写入比特币区块链上,每块都成为独特的可交易资产。
“由于序数和 ETF,这次减半也是独一无二的。 ETF 带来更多资金流入。 Ordinals 为矿工提供了更多的收费收入,”Ordinals 市场和Launchpad Bioniq 的首席执行官兼联合创始人 Bob Bodily 表示。 “由于资金流入和费用市场更加一致,这一次我们不会看到像减半期间通常出现的算力下跌那么大的情况。”
此外,比特币减半时推出了一种名为 Runes 的新的比特币可替代代币标准,提供了比现有 BRC-20 铸造过程造成的 UTXO 膨胀更有效的解决方案。 UTXO(未花费的交易输出)代表用户收到但尚未花费的特定数量的比特币。
比特币 Ordinals 浏览器 联合创始人 Leonidas 告诉 The Block :“这次减半非常特别,因为它恰逢 Runes 协议的发布,这是比特币上可替代代币的标准。” “时机并非巧合。 符文协议将引发大量链上活动,这将增加比特币的网络费用,这将有助于抵消减半带来的矿工奖励减少。”
混合比特币 Layer 2 解决方案 BOB 的联合创始人 Alexei Zamyatin 表示,这个减半时代将展示矿工和比特币 Layer 2项目之间不断增长的合作,矿工寻求额外收入,而 Layer 2 寻求利用比特币的安全性。
Zamyatin 补充道:“矿工将继续寻求更多收入,并将受到激励来启动新的第 2 层比特币项目,因为基于比特币构建的用例越成功,随着每次减半奖励的减少,矿工能够赚取的收益就越多。”
闪电网络数据提供商 Amboss 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Jesse Shrader 表示,减半后可能会有更多矿池整合闪电网络,以降低支付门槛和等待时间。
“人们对比特币区块链的替代用途越来越兴奋,包括 BRC-20 2.0、Ordinal Inscriptions、Runes 和 Taproot Assets。 这些用途造成了费用上涨的压力,但只有一种接近准备好与闪电兼容以避免高额费用:Taproot Assets,”Shrader 补充道。 “上一次减半,矿工们激烈竞争,在减半区块中写入特殊信息,而现在,随着‘史诗卫星’的概念在 Ordinal 爱好者中占据极高的溢价,预计竞争将会加剧。”
“在这个周期中,比特币社区对新想法变得更加开放,随着越来越多的合格团队开始构建第 2 层基础设施,我们看到风险投资领域对比特币相关技术的兴趣更大。” Ventures 的安德森说。
美国国税局 (IRS) 加密货币税表草案将非托管钱包定义为经纪人美国国税局 (IRS) 于 4 月 19 日发布了 1099-DA 报告表的草稿版本,并颇具争议地将非托管数字货币包纳入其目标之中。 加密货币创新委员会首席法律和政策官 Ji Kim 写道,美国国税局的做法是“不幸的”,因为它没有认识到非托管钱包提供商缺乏对加密货币交易和每笔交易涉及方的了解。 CoinTracker 税务主管 Shehan Chandrasekera 也同样批评了该表格。 他认为,这种影响可能会波及最终用户,他们在创建非托管钱包或将非托管钱包与 DeFi 平台等服务结合使用时,可能需要进行 KYC 验证。 然而,钱德拉塞克拉表示,当局可能会将执法力度瞄准非托管钱包提供商,而不是最终用户。 非托管或非托管钱包不会通过第三方服务存储加密货币余额。 它们与托管钱包不同,托管钱包包括大多数交易所钱包。 1099-DA 表格 1099-DA 表格还要求经纪商提供某些链上数据,包括与每笔销售相关的交易 ID 和钱包地址。 经纪人应报告交易 ID 和源自所售加密的地址,以及辅助地址(如果他们从另一个托管钱包地址“转入”资金)。 专家们对这一要求做出了不同的回应。 钱德拉塞克拉警告说,收集和报告数据,尤其是钱包地址,“可能会导致重大的隐私和安全问题。” 然而,Ledgible 税务信息报告副总裁 Jessalyn Dean 指出了该规则的一个例外。 她说,该表格允许经纪人在不适用的情况下不提供地址和交易ID。 她称这种例外是“必要的”,因为经纪人经常在其内部记录保存系统而不是在链上进行交易。 另一个关键部分写道:“不允许洗售损失。” Dean 表示,这并不会让加密货币受到洗售规则的约束。 相反,该部分适用于目前受洗售规则约束的数字资产,例如股票、证券和代币化股票。 规则尚未最终确定 加密货币经纪报告规则已经制定了一段时间。 乔·拜登总统的 2021 年基础设施法案将某些加密货币服务归类为 2021 年经纪人。2023 年 8 月,财政部和国税局发布了 1099-DA 提案,该提案与今天的草案表格内容大致相似。 然而,表格草案的文本表明,美国国税局尚未最终确定该表格,经纪人不应在当前的税务报告中使用它。 据 Ledgible 称,该表格有 60 天的评测期。 美国国税局为个人加密货币投资者制定了单独的规则。 监管机构于 4 月 11 日发布提醒,加密货币投资者应报告各种表格,包括 1040 表格。美国国税局 (IRS) 的一位高级成员最近还警告加密货币投资者存在避税行为。

美国国税局 (IRS) 加密货币税表草案将非托管钱包定义为经纪人

美国国税局 (IRS) 于 4 月 19 日发布了 1099-DA 报告表的草稿版本,并颇具争议地将非托管数字货币包纳入其目标之中。
加密货币创新委员会首席法律和政策官 Ji Kim 写道,美国国税局的做法是“不幸的”,因为它没有认识到非托管钱包提供商缺乏对加密货币交易和每笔交易涉及方的了解。
CoinTracker 税务主管 Shehan Chandrasekera 也同样批评了该表格。 他认为,这种影响可能会波及最终用户,他们在创建非托管钱包或将非托管钱包与 DeFi 平台等服务结合使用时,可能需要进行 KYC 验证。
非托管或非托管钱包不会通过第三方服务存储加密货币余额。 它们与托管钱包不同,托管钱包包括大多数交易所钱包。
1099-DA 表格
1099-DA 表格还要求经纪商提供某些链上数据,包括与每笔销售相关的交易 ID 和钱包地址。 经纪人应报告交易 ID 和源自所售加密的地址,以及辅助地址(如果他们从另一个托管钱包地址“转入”资金)。
专家们对这一要求做出了不同的回应。 钱德拉塞克拉警告说,收集和报告数据,尤其是钱包地址,“可能会导致重大的隐私和安全问题。”
然而,Ledgible 税务信息报告副总裁 Jessalyn Dean 指出了该规则的一个例外。 她说,该表格允许经纪人在不适用的情况下不提供地址和交易ID。 她称这种例外是“必要的”,因为经纪人经常在其内部记录保存系统而不是在链上进行交易。
另一个关键部分写道:“不允许洗售损失。” Dean 表示,这并不会让加密货币受到洗售规则的约束。 相反,该部分适用于目前受洗售规则约束的数字资产,例如股票、证券和代币化股票。
加密货币经纪报告规则已经制定了一段时间。 乔·拜登总统的 2021 年基础设施法案将某些加密货币服务归类为 2021 年经纪人。2023 年 8 月,财政部和国税局发布了 1099-DA 提案,该提案与今天的草案表格内容大致相似。
据 Ledgible 称,该表格有 60 天的评测期。
美国国税局为个人加密货币投资者制定了单独的规则。 监管机构于 4 月 11 日发布提醒,加密货币投资者应报告各种表格,包括 1040 表格。美国国税局 (IRS) 的一位高级成员最近还警告加密货币投资者存在避税行为。
比特币第四次减半现已完成(详情)比特币第四次减半,加密货币领域每四年一次备受期待的事件终于发生了。 此次事件将比特币区块奖励从 6.25 BTC 减少至 3.125 BTC,标志着该行业的一个关键时刻。 结果,比特币的每日发行量减少了一半,目前约为 450 个比特币,而之前约为 900 个。这种减少将持续到 2140 年左右,届时最终的 BTC 被开采出来。 为什么比特币减半很重要? 第四次减半影响了区块高度 840,000 的比特币,由于它对 BTC 波动性的影响而具有重要意义,每次此类事件后波动性往往会加剧。 这主要是因为可用供应量减少,从而推高了尚未开采的比特币的价值,使其对投资者更具吸引力。 从事件发生前大量比特币进入上涨地址就可以看出这种兴趣的高涨。 在减半之前的几天里,比特币表现出巨大的波动,价格短暂跌破 60,000 美元,然后飙升至 65,000 美元——这一切都在一周的时间内。 在撰写本文时,世界上最大的加密货币正在围绕后者进行交易。 通常情况下,减半会减缓供应扩张的速度,尽管这会损害比特币矿工的利益,他们面临着区块奖励减少 50% 的情况。 这一调整可能会导致比特币网络的哈希率暂时下跌,因为使用较旧且能效较低的硬件的矿工可能会发现他们的业务不再有利可图并选择关闭。 根据 BitIinfoCharts 的数据,目前网络算力徘徊在 630 Ehash/s 以上,较 3 月份创下的峰值 727 Ehash/s 下跌了 13.3%。 经过上周的调整,比特币的挖矿难度也达到了历史新高,达到86.39万亿,这使得挖矿难度越来越大。 中本聪的遗言 减半完成后,中本聪在退出社交媒体频道之前的最后一句话在社区中引起反响。 比特币的神秘创造者中本聪实施了减半功能,以防止法定货币价值的永久侵蚀。 他的愿景植根于解决法定货币固有的信任的根本缺陷。 “传统货币的根本问题在于其运作所需的所有信任。 必须相信央行不会让货币贬值,但法定货币的历史充满了对这种信任的破坏。” 距离中本聪的遗言已经很久了,比特币已经问世了。 整个行业实现了重大进步、重大升级、重大突破。 另一方面,现货和期货 ETF 的推出为投资者提供了购买比特币的机会,增强了其在传统金融圈的吸引力和接受度。 这些发展本质上凸显了比特币从一个新概念演变为全球公认的资产类别,目前正在重塑金融的未来。


此次事件将比特币区块奖励从 6.25 BTC 减少至 3.125 BTC,标志着该行业的一个关键时刻。 结果,比特币的每日发行量减少了一半,目前约为 450 个比特币,而之前约为 900 个。这种减少将持续到 2140 年左右,届时最终的 BTC 被开采出来。
第四次减半影响了区块高度 840,000 的比特币,由于它对 BTC 波动性的影响而具有重要意义,每次此类事件后波动性往往会加剧。 这主要是因为可用供应量减少,从而推高了尚未开采的比特币的价值,使其对投资者更具吸引力。
从事件发生前大量比特币进入上涨地址就可以看出这种兴趣的高涨。 在减半之前的几天里,比特币表现出巨大的波动,价格短暂跌破 60,000 美元,然后飙升至 65,000 美元——这一切都在一周的时间内。 在撰写本文时,世界上最大的加密货币正在围绕后者进行交易。
通常情况下,减半会减缓供应扩张的速度,尽管这会损害比特币矿工的利益,他们面临着区块奖励减少 50% 的情况。 这一调整可能会导致比特币网络的哈希率暂时下跌,因为使用较旧且能效较低的硬件的矿工可能会发现他们的业务不再有利可图并选择关闭。
根据 BitIinfoCharts 的数据,目前网络算力徘徊在 630 Ehash/s 以上,较 3 月份创下的峰值 727 Ehash/s 下跌了 13.3%。 经过上周的调整,比特币的挖矿难度也达到了历史新高,达到86.39万亿,这使得挖矿难度越来越大。
减半完成后,中本聪在退出社交媒体频道之前的最后一句话在社区中引起反响。 比特币的神秘创造者中本聪实施了减半功能,以防止法定货币价值的永久侵蚀。 他的愿景植根于解决法定货币固有的信任的根本缺陷。
“传统货币的根本问题在于其运作所需的所有信任。 必须相信央行不会让货币贬值,但法定货币的历史充满了对这种信任的破坏。”
距离中本聪的遗言已经很久了,比特币已经问世了。 整个行业实现了重大进步、重大升级、重大突破。
另一方面,现货和期货 ETF 的推出为投资者提供了购买比特币的机会,增强了其在传统金融圈的吸引力和接受度。 这些发展本质上凸显了比特币从一个新概念演变为全球公认的资产类别,目前正在重塑金融的未来。
The Bitcoin halving for 2024, a significant event in the cryptocurrency world, was officially completed on April 19, 2024, at 8:09 PM. This event, which occurs every four years, reduces the reward for mining Bitcoin transactions by half, effectively decreasing the rate at which new Bitcoins are created. The completion of this event has historically had a major impact on the price and supply of Bitcoin. The event has been widely celebrated by the crypto community, with many expressing their excitement and congratulations on various social media platforms.
The Bitcoin halving for 2024, a significant event in the cryptocurrency world, was officially completed on April 19, 2024, at 8:09 PM. This event, which occurs every four years, reduces the reward for mining Bitcoin transactions by half, effectively decreasing the rate at which new Bitcoins are created. The completion of this event has historically had a major impact on the price and supply of Bitcoin. The event has been widely celebrated by the crypto community, with many expressing their excitement and congratulations on various social media platforms.
Recently, there have been some notable developments and discussions surrounding $OG. Let's dive into the latest news and updates: 1. **Volume Spike and Price Movement**: The $OG token experienced a significant volume spike, with 9 times the average volume traded in a 15-minute window. This spike saw 496.55K USDT traded, showcasing a buying volume of 318.31K USDT. This activity boosted the score to 6/10 and increased the 24-hour volume to 4.92M USDT on Binance. As of the latest update, the price of $OG was $4.960, marking a 10.5% increase in the last 24 hours. Another volume spike was observed on April 4, with 579.80K USDT traded in 15 minutes, further indicating active trading and interest in $OG. 2. **Community Sentiment and Investment**: The community around $OG seems to be quite active and engaged, with individuals like @CoinSonarBot and @ado_games highlighting the token's performance and upcoming events. For instance, @ado_games mentioned a 25% increase in the $GOG token, which is related to $OG, and discussed the upcoming launch of Guild of Guardian's flagship game on May 15th, developed by a world-class gaming studio. This kind of development and anticipation could have a positive impact on the $OG ecosystem. 3. **Technical Analysis and Forecasts**: The $OG token has been on the radar of technical analysts, with various indicators like RSI and MACD being used to predict future trends. The RSI was just below 60 at 59.20, indicating a potential for upward momentum. However, it's always important to take technical analysis with a grain of salt, as it can be influenced by various factors. 4. **Market Sentiment**: The overall sentiment around $OG seems to be positive, with active trading and discussions on platforms like X/Twitter. The community is looking forward to the upcoming game launch and other developments, which could potentially lead to further increases in the token's value.
Recently, there have been some notable developments and discussions surrounding $OG . Let's dive into the latest news and updates:

1. **Volume Spike and Price Movement**: The $OG token experienced a significant volume spike, with 9 times the average volume traded in a 15-minute window. This spike saw 496.55K USDT traded, showcasing a buying volume of 318.31K USDT. This activity boosted the score to 6/10 and increased the 24-hour volume to 4.92M USDT on Binance. As of the latest update, the price of $OG was $4.960, marking a 10.5% increase in the last 24 hours. Another volume spike was observed on April 4, with 579.80K USDT traded in 15 minutes, further indicating active trading and interest in $OG .

2. **Community Sentiment and Investment**: The community around $OG seems to be quite active and engaged, with individuals like @CoinSonarBot and @ado_games highlighting the token's performance and upcoming events. For instance, @ado_games mentioned a 25% increase in the $GOG token, which is related to $OG , and discussed the upcoming launch of Guild of Guardian's flagship game on May 15th, developed by a world-class gaming studio. This kind of development and anticipation could have a positive impact on the $OG ecosystem.

3. **Technical Analysis and Forecasts**: The $OG token has been on the radar of technical analysts, with various indicators like RSI and MACD being used to predict future trends. The RSI was just below 60 at 59.20, indicating a potential for upward momentum. However, it's always important to take technical analysis with a grain of salt, as it can be influenced by various factors.

4. **Market Sentiment**: The overall sentiment around $OG seems to be positive, with active trading and discussions on platforms like X/Twitter. The community is looking forward to the upcoming game launch and other developments, which could potentially lead to further increases in the token's value.
The recent developments and discussions around $DATA, also known as Streamr, have been quite active and engaging within the crypto community. Streamr, a decentralized data broadcasting platform, has been in the spotlight for its innovative approach to live data hyperscaling for AI, video, and DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks) through secure peer-to-peer distribution. The project has been around since 2017 and is headquartered in Switzerland. 1. **Market Cap and Token Distribution**: Streamr boasts a market cap of $64.06M and has all of its tokens in circulation, which is a rarity for projects listed on Binance with a similar market cap. 2. **Price and Volume**: The price of $DATA has seen some fluctuations. As of a recent update, the price was $0.06266, with the all-time high being $0.3152. The trading volume was reported to be $4.9M in the last 24 hours. 3. **Community Sentiment and Investment**: There's a positive sentiment among some investors, with individuals like @blockchain_goat adding to their holdings of $DATA on dips, and others like @Trizanator praising the growth and development of the project. 4. **Technical Analysis**: A recent volume spike was noted with 95 times the average volume traded in 1 minute, with a buying volume of 98.81K USDT. The price was reported at $0.05570, marking a 3.4% decrease in the last 24 hours on Binance. 5. **Platform Features and Use Cases**: Streamr's decentralized data broadcasting platform enables applications to publish and subscribe to data in real-time, supporting use cases like decentralized messaging and real-time state changes broadcasting. In summary, $DATA is a project with an active community and ongoing developments, with a focus on decentralizing data broadcasting and providing secure P2P distribution for live data. The recent market movements and community discussions indicate a positive outlook for Streamr, despite the inherent volatility of the crypto market.
The recent developments and discussions around $DATA , also known as Streamr, have been quite active and engaging within the crypto community. Streamr, a decentralized data broadcasting platform, has been in the spotlight for its innovative approach to live data hyperscaling for AI, video, and DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks) through secure peer-to-peer distribution. The project has been around since 2017 and is headquartered in Switzerland.

1. **Market Cap and Token Distribution**: Streamr boasts a market cap of $64.06M and has all of its tokens in circulation, which is a rarity for projects listed on Binance with a similar market cap.

2. **Price and Volume**: The price of $DATA has seen some fluctuations. As of a recent update, the price was $0.06266, with the all-time high being $0.3152. The trading volume was reported to be $4.9M in the last 24 hours.

3. **Community Sentiment and Investment**: There's a positive sentiment among some investors, with individuals like @blockchain_goat adding to their holdings of $DATA on dips, and others like @Trizanator praising the growth and development of the project.

4. **Technical Analysis**: A recent volume spike was noted with 95 times the average volume traded in 1 minute, with a buying volume of 98.81K USDT. The price was reported at $0.05570, marking a 3.4% decrease in the last 24 hours on Binance.

5. **Platform Features and Use Cases**: Streamr's decentralized data broadcasting platform enables applications to publish and subscribe to data in real-time, supporting use cases like decentralized messaging and real-time state changes broadcasting.

In summary, $DATA is a project with an active community and ongoing developments, with a focus on decentralizing data broadcasting and providing secure P2P distribution for live data. The recent market movements and community discussions indicate a positive outlook for Streamr, despite the inherent volatility of the crypto market.
$BNX Based on the latest information and updates, here's a summary of what's happening with BinaryX ($BNX): 1. **Price and Market Movements**: The current price of $BNX is $0.757556, marking a 12.91% increase in the last 24 hours. The market cap stands at $272.11M USD, with a 24-hour trading volume of $47.06M USD. The circulating supply is 359.19M. The price has shown significant movement, with a 32.09% increase over 30 days, a 159.81% increase over 60 days, and a 158.66% increase over 90 days, indicating strong positive momentum. 2. **BNX Token Split**: BinaryX announced a 1:100 split of its BNX token, aiming to boost investor confidence and make the token more accessible for new users. This move is expected to lower the threshold for overall spending, increase acceptance of the token, and promote broader adoption. The split was scheduled to take place, and all consumption scenarios of the old BNX will be transferred over to the new BNX. 3. **Future Plans and Developments**: Besides the BNX token split, BinaryX revealed plans to release a series of new games and updates throughout 2023, including an update for their flagship game, CyberDragon. They also plan to introduce VR and AR games into their product lineup, signaling a strategic expansion into immersive gaming experiences. 4. **Market Sentiment and Community Engagement**: The community around BinaryX is active and engaged, with discussions on various platforms highlighting the project's potential and developments. This level of engagement is crucial for the project's long-term success, fostering a sense of community and shared vision. 5. **Technical Analysis and Forecasts**: Some analysts predict further gains for $BNX, with expectations of up to 35%+ increase in value. However, as with all financial markets, these predictions should be taken as speculative and subject to market conditions. In summary, $BNX is experiencing positive price movements and is backed by active community engagement and ongoing developments aimed at improving its platform and expanding its gaming ecosystem.
$BNX Based on the latest information and updates, here's a summary of what's happening with BinaryX ($BNX ):

1. **Price and Market Movements**: The current price of $BNX is $0.757556, marking a 12.91% increase in the last 24 hours. The market cap stands at $272.11M USD, with a 24-hour trading volume of $47.06M USD. The circulating supply is 359.19M. The price has shown significant movement, with a 32.09% increase over 30 days, a 159.81% increase over 60 days, and a 158.66% increase over 90 days, indicating strong positive momentum.

2. **BNX Token Split**: BinaryX announced a 1:100 split of its BNX token, aiming to boost investor confidence and make the token more accessible for new users. This move is expected to lower the threshold for overall spending, increase acceptance of the token, and promote broader adoption. The split was scheduled to take place, and all consumption scenarios of the old BNX will be transferred over to the new BNX.

3. **Future Plans and Developments**: Besides the BNX token split, BinaryX revealed plans to release a series of new games and updates throughout 2023, including an update for their flagship game, CyberDragon. They also plan to introduce VR and AR games into their product lineup, signaling a strategic expansion into immersive gaming experiences.

4. **Market Sentiment and Community Engagement**: The community around BinaryX is active and engaged, with discussions on various platforms highlighting the project's potential and developments. This level of engagement is crucial for the project's long-term success, fostering a sense of community and shared vision.

5. **Technical Analysis and Forecasts**: Some analysts predict further gains for $BNX , with expectations of up to 35%+ increase in value. However, as with all financial markets, these predictions should be taken as speculative and subject to market conditions.

In summary, $BNX is experiencing positive price movements and is backed by active community engagement and ongoing developments aimed at improving its platform and expanding its gaming ecosystem.
$AMP Based on the latest information available, there are a few notable developments regarding $AMP: 1. **Price and Market Movements**: The current price of $AMP is $0.008067, with a 24-hour trading volume of $61,708,081. The price has seen a 18.2% increase over the past day, but it's still 11.3% lower compared to its value 7 days ago. This indicates a period of volatility and recovery in the market. 2. **Market Cap and Circulating Supply**: $AMP has a market cap of $457,767,159, with a circulating supply of 56,127,938,240 $AMP. The total supply is 99,451,527,302 $AMP, and the maximum supply is the same, indicating that the token is fully released into circulation. 3. **Partnerships and Developments**: There's an emphasis on simplifying the technology architecture to become more nimble and adaptable, potentially indicating a focus on improving the platform's efficiency and user experience. The mention of investment in technology within Platforms suggests ongoing development and innovation within the ecosystem. 4. **Market Sentiment**: Despite the recent price movements, there's a general sense of optimism and belief in the long-term growth potential of $AMP, with some users expecting significant gains and others highlighting its utility and importance in the broader crypto ecosystem. 5. **Community Engagement**: The AMP community is active and engaged, with discussions on various platforms highlighting the project's potential and developments. This level of engagement is crucial for the project's long-term success, as it fosters a sense of community and shared vision. In summary, AMP is experiencing a period of price volatility but is backed by active community engagement and ongoing developments aimed at improving its technology and platform.
$AMP Based on the latest information available, there are a few notable developments regarding $AMP :

1. **Price and Market Movements**: The current price of $AMP is $0.008067, with a 24-hour trading volume of $61,708,081. The price has seen a 18.2% increase over the past day, but it's still 11.3% lower compared to its value 7 days ago. This indicates a period of volatility and recovery in the market.

2. **Market Cap and Circulating Supply**: $AMP has a market cap of $457,767,159, with a circulating supply of 56,127,938,240 $AMP . The total supply is 99,451,527,302 $AMP , and the maximum supply is the same, indicating that the token is fully released into circulation.

3. **Partnerships and Developments**: There's an emphasis on simplifying the technology architecture to become more nimble and adaptable, potentially indicating a focus on improving the platform's efficiency and user experience. The mention of investment in technology within Platforms suggests ongoing development and innovation within the ecosystem.

4. **Market Sentiment**: Despite the recent price movements, there's a general sense of optimism and belief in the long-term growth potential of $AMP , with some users expecting significant gains and others highlighting its utility and importance in the broader crypto ecosystem.

5. **Community Engagement**: The AMP community is active and engaged, with discussions on various platforms highlighting the project's potential and developments. This level of engagement is crucial for the project's long-term success, as it fosters a sense of community and shared vision.

In summary, AMP is experiencing a period of price volatility but is backed by active community engagement and ongoing developments aimed at improving its technology and platform.
$COS Based on the latest information, there have been a few noteworthy developments related to $COS: 1. **Contentos ($COS) Price and Volume Surge**: Contentos experienced significant price growth and trading volume. On April 16, 2024, its price was $0.0132, with a 24-hour change of 30.9%. This was accompanied by a trading volume of $18,938,225. Just a day before, on April 15, 2024, its price was slightly lower at $0.0117, with a 24-hour change of 11.5% and a trading volume of $7,019,469. These fluctuations indicate a positive market sentiment for Contentos within this period. 2. **Market Listings and Events**: Contentos was listed on Binance, marking a key milestone for the project. Additionally, there's an upcoming yacht party in Miami, which is expected to feature heavy marketing, celebrities, and influencers. These events suggest an effort to boost the project's visibility and adoption. 3. **Community Engagement and Growth**: The community around Contentos, particularly on Twitter, has shown significant interest in the project's development, with users expressing long-term optimism and expectations of growth. These updates highlight a dynamic period for Contentos, marked by price surges, increased market presence, and community engagement.
$COS Based on the latest information, there have been a few noteworthy developments related to $COS :

1. **Contentos ($COS ) Price and Volume Surge**: Contentos experienced significant price growth and trading volume. On April 16, 2024, its price was $0.0132, with a 24-hour change of 30.9%. This was accompanied by a trading volume of $18,938,225. Just a day before, on April 15, 2024, its price was slightly lower at $0.0117, with a 24-hour change of 11.5% and a trading volume of $7,019,469. These fluctuations indicate a positive market sentiment for Contentos within this period.

2. **Market Listings and Events**: Contentos was listed on Binance, marking a key milestone for the project. Additionally, there's an upcoming yacht party in Miami, which is expected to feature heavy marketing, celebrities, and influencers. These events suggest an effort to boost the project's visibility and adoption.

3. **Community Engagement and Growth**: The community around Contentos, particularly on Twitter, has shown significant interest in the project's development, with users expressing long-term optimism and expectations of growth.

These updates highlight a dynamic period for Contentos, marked by price surges, increased market presence, and community engagement.
In the last 24 hours, the crypto market has been shaken by a significant event: an unknown whale bought $496 million worth of Bitcoin from Coinbase. This massive purchase was highlighted by several X posts and has captured the attention of the crypto community, as it represents a substantial investment in Bitcoin amid the market's current state. The news of this purchase was first reported by @puchhu337, followed by other X accounts such as @manHitCrypto, @eliteman_1995, @AltcoinGordon, and @ItsBitcoinWorld, which all shared this remarkable development. The transaction has sparked speculation and intrigue within the crypto community, with many wondering about the identity of the whale and the potential impact on Bitcoin's price and market dynamics. This event is particularly noteworthy as it coincides with other significant movements in the crypto market, including a substantial surge in the price of a dog-themed memecoin and a noteworthy increase in the burn rate for Shiba Inu tokens. These developments underscore the dynamic and volatile nature of the crypto market, where large-scale investments and market fluctuations can have a significant impact on the value of various cryptocurrencies. As the crypto market continues to evolve and mature, events like the $496 million BTC purchase serve as a reminder of the potential for significant shifts in market dynamics and the importance of staying informed about the latest developments in the crypto space.
In the last 24 hours, the crypto market has been shaken by a significant event: an unknown whale bought $496 million worth of Bitcoin from Coinbase. This massive purchase was highlighted by several X posts and has captured the attention of the crypto community, as it represents a substantial investment in Bitcoin amid the market's current state.

The news of this purchase was first reported by @puchhu337, followed by other X accounts such as @manHitCrypto, @eliteman_1995, @AltcoinGordon, and @ItsBitcoinWorld, which all shared this remarkable development. The transaction has sparked speculation and intrigue within the crypto community, with many wondering about the identity of the whale and the potential impact on Bitcoin's price and market dynamics.

This event is particularly noteworthy as it coincides with other significant movements in the crypto market, including a substantial surge in the price of a dog-themed memecoin and a noteworthy increase in the burn rate for Shiba Inu tokens. These developments underscore the dynamic and volatile nature of the crypto market, where large-scale investments and market fluctuations can have a significant impact on the value of various cryptocurrencies.

As the crypto market continues to evolve and mature, events like the $496 million BTC purchase serve as a reminder of the potential for significant shifts in market dynamics and the importance of staying informed about the latest developments in the crypto space.
$TRU Based on the information available, the current price of TrueFi (TRU) is fluctuating. As of the last update, $TRU was trading at approximately $0.119, with a notable increase of 46.3% in the last 24 hours. The trading volume for TrueFi in the same period was $60,309,957. These developments indicate a bullish momentum in the market, which could be attributed to several factors such as increased interest from investors, positive developments within the TrueFi ecosystem, or general market sentiment. For real-time updates or the most current price, it's advisable to check financial platforms or cryptocurrency exchanges, as prices can change rapidly in the crypto market.
$TRU Based on the information available, the current price of TrueFi (TRU) is fluctuating. As of the last update, $TRU was trading at approximately $0.119, with a notable increase of 46.3% in the last 24 hours. The trading volume for TrueFi in the same period was $60,309,957.

These developments indicate a bullish momentum in the market, which could be attributed to several factors such as increased interest from investors, positive developments within the TrueFi ecosystem, or general market sentiment.

For real-time updates or the most current price, it's advisable to check financial platforms or cryptocurrency exchanges, as prices can change rapidly in the crypto market.
$CREAM Cream Finance (CREAM) is currently experiencing an upward trend in its price, with a notable increase of 31.7% in the last 24 hours, reaching a price of $49.14. The trading volume for Cream Finance in the same period was $17,572,128, and its market cap is $36,747,685. This price surge indicates a bullish momentum in the market, which could be attributed to several factors such as increased interest from investors, positive developments within the Cream Finance ecosystem, or general market sentiment. It is also essential to keep an eye on the latest developments and updates from Cream Finance. For instance, there have been mentions of collaboration and interest in working with Cream Finance on various social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter). Staying informed about such developments can help you make better-informed decisions when it comes to investing in Cream Finance or understanding its market movements. Remember to always do your own research and consider multiple sources of information before making investment decisions.
$CREAM Cream Finance (CREAM) is currently experiencing an upward trend in its price, with a notable increase of 31.7% in the last 24 hours, reaching a price of $49.14. The trading volume for Cream Finance in the same period was $17,572,128, and its market cap is $36,747,685. This price surge indicates a bullish momentum in the market, which could be attributed to several factors such as increased interest from investors, positive developments within the Cream Finance ecosystem, or general market sentiment.

It is also essential to keep an eye on the latest developments and updates from Cream Finance. For instance, there have been mentions of collaboration and interest in working with Cream Finance on various social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter). Staying informed about such developments can help you make better-informed decisions when it comes to investing in Cream Finance or understanding its market movements.

Remember to always do your own research and consider multiple sources of information before making investment decisions.
$ONG ONG, or Ontology Gas, is a cryptocurrency that serves as a utility token within the Ontology ecosystem. It is used to pay for transactions and computational services on the Ontology blockchain. The price of ONG has shown significant fluctuations recently. As of the last price update, ONG was trading at approximately $0.483699. Over the past 24 hours, ONG experienced a notable increase of 31.69%, indicating a bullish trend in its market value. The circulating supply of ONG is 375.54M. For real-time updates or the most current price, it's advisable to check financial platforms or cryptocurrency exchanges as prices can change rapidly in the crypto market.
$ONG ONG, or Ontology Gas, is a cryptocurrency that serves as a utility token within the Ontology ecosystem. It is used to pay for transactions and computational services on the Ontology blockchain. The price of ONG has shown significant fluctuations recently. As of the last price update, ONG was trading at approximately $0.483699. Over the past 24 hours, ONG experienced a notable increase of 31.69%, indicating a bullish trend in its market value. The circulating supply of ONG is 375.54M.

For real-time updates or the most current price, it's advisable to check financial platforms or cryptocurrency exchanges as prices can change rapidly in the crypto market.
$NEO Recently, NEO experienced a significant price surge of over 40% on April 8, marking its highest daily increase this year. This surge in NEO's price has generated speculation about whether this signals the beginning of a new bullish cycle for the cryptocurrency. Given NEO's past performance and its strong community, it remains to be seen if NEO will repeat its previous patterns or chart a new course. Additionally, the trading volume for NEO saw an astonishing 4000% spike during this breakout, underscoring the substantial interest and demand for NEO among market participants. At the time of this surge, NEO was sitting at $170, which is a notable increase from its trading price around $20. These developments have been accompanied by various activities within the NEO ecosystem, including its participation in conferences, final mint for Quirky Soul characters, and the "Dashboard-athon" hackathon event hosted by Flamingo Finance. These events have contributed to the overall buzz surrounding NEO and its potential for future growth. In summary, NEO's recent price surge and the accompanying increase in trading volume, along with the active ecosystem developments, indicate a positive outlook for the cryptocurrency. Whether this bullish momentum continues remains to be seen, but the current sentiment seems optimistic.
$NEO Recently, NEO experienced a significant price surge of over 40% on April 8, marking its highest daily increase this year. This surge in NEO's price has generated speculation about whether this signals the beginning of a new bullish cycle for the cryptocurrency. Given NEO's past performance and its strong community, it remains to be seen if NEO will repeat its previous patterns or chart a new course.

Additionally, the trading volume for NEO saw an astonishing 4000% spike during this breakout, underscoring the substantial interest and demand for NEO among market participants. At the time of this surge, NEO was sitting at $170, which is a notable increase from its trading price around $20.

These developments have been accompanied by various activities within the NEO ecosystem, including its participation in conferences, final mint for Quirky Soul characters, and the "Dashboard-athon" hackathon event hosted by Flamingo Finance. These events have contributed to the overall buzz surrounding NEO and its potential for future growth.

In summary, NEO's recent price surge and the accompanying increase in trading volume, along with the active ecosystem developments, indicate a positive outlook for the cryptocurrency. Whether this bullish momentum continues remains to be seen, but the current sentiment seems optimistic.
$ENA The price of Ethena (ENA) has seen significant fluctuations recently. As of the last price update, ENA was trading at approximately $1.19, experiencing a 2.60% increase in the last 24 hours. Over the past 7 days, Ethena has witnessed a 1.60% price increase, indicating a positive trend in its market value. The circulating supply of Ethena is 1.4 Billion ENA, and its total supply stands at 15,000,000,000 ENA. This data reflects the current state of ENA in the cryptocurrency market as of the most recent update. Regarding recent news, Ethena's native cryptocurrency has captured market attention with a price surge of 10%. This surge is attributed to significant attention flows and controversy surrounding the project, with many short positions built around the early token generation event (TGE) prices now underwater. This situation suggests a potential for a short squeeze, which could further impact the price of Ethena. Furthermore, a notable development within the Ethena ecosystem includes the airdrop of 750 million $ENA (5% of the total supply) in Season 1. This airdrop, along with the project's focus on providing a synthetic dollar protocol and a globally accessible savings instrument, has garnered interest from investors and crypto enthusiasts alike. As Ethena continues to evolve and gain traction in the DeFi space, its price and news developments will be closely watched by the crypto community.
$ENA The price of Ethena (ENA) has seen significant fluctuations recently. As of the last price update, ENA was trading at approximately $1.19, experiencing a 2.60% increase in the last 24 hours. Over the past 7 days, Ethena has witnessed a 1.60% price increase, indicating a positive trend in its market value. The circulating supply of Ethena is 1.4 Billion ENA, and its total supply stands at 15,000,000,000 ENA. This data reflects the current state of ENA in the cryptocurrency market as of the most recent update.

Regarding recent news, Ethena's native cryptocurrency has captured market attention with a price surge of 10%. This surge is attributed to significant attention flows and controversy surrounding the project, with many short positions built around the early token generation event (TGE) prices now underwater. This situation suggests a potential for a short squeeze, which could further impact the price of Ethena.

Furthermore, a notable development within the Ethena ecosystem includes the airdrop of 750 million $ENA (5% of the total supply) in Season 1. This airdrop, along with the project's focus on providing a synthetic dollar protocol and a globally accessible savings instrument, has garnered interest from investors and crypto enthusiasts alike.

As Ethena continues to evolve and gain traction in the DeFi space, its price and news developments will be closely watched by the crypto community.
The current price of Binance Coin (BNB) is approximately $571.61 USD. Recently, Binance Coin has seen a slight decrease in its price, with a change of -4.91% in the past 24 hours, trading at $551.70 as of April 14, 2024. This fluctuation in price is a part of the cryptocurrency market's dynamic nature, where prices can change due to various factors such as market sentiment, regulatory developments, and technological advancements within the ecosystem. In terms of news, Binance, the company behind BNB, has been making headlines recently. Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, and its native token, BNB, plays a significant role in its ecosystem. The Binance ecosystem includes the Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain, Binance Academy, Trust Wallet, and Research projects, all of which employ the powers of blockchain technology to bring new-age finance to the world. BNB is integral to the successful functioning of many of these Binance sub-projects. Moreover, Binance is known for its innovative approaches and strategic partnerships within the crypto space. The company has been actively working on expanding its services and improving its platform to cater to the growing demands of its users. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how Binance and BNB adapt to the changes and continue to impact the industry.
The current price of Binance Coin (BNB) is approximately $571.61 USD. Recently, Binance Coin has seen a slight decrease in its price, with a change of -4.91% in the past 24 hours, trading at $551.70 as of April 14, 2024. This fluctuation in price is a part of the cryptocurrency market's dynamic nature, where prices can change due to various factors such as market sentiment, regulatory developments, and technological advancements within the ecosystem.

In terms of news, Binance, the company behind BNB, has been making headlines recently. Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, and its native token, BNB, plays a significant role in its ecosystem. The Binance ecosystem includes the Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain, Binance Academy, Trust Wallet, and Research projects, all of which employ the powers of blockchain technology to bring new-age finance to the world. BNB is integral to the successful functioning of many of these Binance sub-projects.

Moreover, Binance is known for its innovative approaches and strategic partnerships within the crypto space. The company has been actively working on expanding its services and improving its platform to cater to the growing demands of its users.

As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how Binance and BNB adapt to the changes and continue to impact the industry.
Ethereum (ETH) has recently experienced some fluctuations in its price and various developments in its ecosystem. As of the last price update, the price of Ethereum was approximately $3,247.10 USD. The cryptocurrency has seen a surge in its value, hitting one of its highest levels in over a month at $3,717, fueled by talks of ETF issuer applications with the SEC. However, analysts have warned against potential rejections of these applications. Additionally, there was a significant whale movement that caused a 3.1% dip followed by a 5.3% surge in Ethereum's price within a 24-hour period. In other news, Ethereum's ecosystem has seen the approval of several network updates, such as the "London" hard fork, which occurred on August 5, 2021, aiming to improve the platform's efficiency and user experience. Moreover, the upcoming "Halving" event, expected around April 20th, has created anticipation in the crypto community, with some predicting it could trigger a new rally in the market. It's worth noting that the price of Ethereum, like many cryptocurrencies, can be influenced by a variety of factors, including regulatory developments, market sentiment, and technological advancements. As such, it's crucial for potential investors and enthusiasts to stay informed about the latest developments and trends in the crypto world.
Ethereum (ETH) has recently experienced some fluctuations in its price and various developments in its ecosystem. As of the last price update, the price of Ethereum was approximately $3,247.10 USD. The cryptocurrency has seen a surge in its value, hitting one of its highest levels in over a month at $3,717, fueled by talks of ETF issuer applications with the SEC. However, analysts have warned against potential rejections of these applications. Additionally, there was a significant whale movement that caused a 3.1% dip followed by a 5.3% surge in Ethereum's price within a 24-hour period.

In other news, Ethereum's ecosystem has seen the approval of several network updates, such as the "London" hard fork, which occurred on August 5, 2021, aiming to improve the platform's efficiency and user experience. Moreover, the upcoming "Halving" event, expected around April 20th, has created anticipation in the crypto community, with some predicting it could trigger a new rally in the market.

It's worth noting that the price of Ethereum, like many cryptocurrencies, can be influenced by a variety of factors, including regulatory developments, market sentiment, and technological advancements. As such, it's crucial for potential investors and enthusiasts to stay informed about the latest developments and trends in the crypto world.
Based on the search results and the context provided, it seems that there is a significant discussion and speculation around a potential $5 billion sell-off by Bitcoin miners post-halving. This situation is seen as a possible shift in power within the cryptocurrency market. 1. 10xResearch, a top crypto analyst firm, predicts that Bitcoin miners might sell off Bitcoins worth approximately $5 billion post-halving due to increasing mining difficulty and financial needs (Tweet by @ItsBitcoinWorld). 2. The Bitcoin halving event is expected to occur this month, and it has led to increased activity among miners and whales ( 3. There is a general trend of miners selling their BTC to acquire capital to upgrade machinery and prepare for the halving event (Bitfinex). 4. The number of BTC held in wallets tied to miners has dropped to the lowest level since mid-2021 as they run down their coin stashes ahead of the halving (CoinDesk). 5. The sell-off from miners is seen as a potential negative for the price in the short term, but it could also be viewed as preparation for the halving event and a response to increasing mining difficulty (Bitcoinist). 6. There is a general sentiment that the sell-off could lead to a period of sideways movement in the market for several months, following past halving patterns (Tweet by @ItsBitcoinWorld). Given these points, it appears that there is a notable shift in power anticipated in the Bitcoin market, with miners potentially selling off a significant amount of their holdings post-halving. This could lead to increased volatility in the short term, but it also reflects the strategic decisions of miners in response to the halving event and the evolving dynamics of the cryptocurrency market.
Based on the search results and the context provided, it seems that there is a significant discussion and speculation around a potential $5 billion sell-off by Bitcoin miners post-halving. This situation is seen as a possible shift in power within the cryptocurrency market.

1. 10xResearch, a top crypto analyst firm, predicts that Bitcoin miners might sell off Bitcoins worth approximately $5 billion post-halving due to increasing mining difficulty and financial needs (Tweet by @ItsBitcoinWorld).

2. The Bitcoin halving event is expected to occur this month, and it has led to increased activity among miners and whales (

3. There is a general trend of miners selling their BTC to acquire capital to upgrade machinery and prepare for the halving event (Bitfinex).

4. The number of BTC held in wallets tied to miners has dropped to the lowest level since mid-2021 as they run down their coin stashes ahead of the halving (CoinDesk).

5. The sell-off from miners is seen as a potential negative for the price in the short term, but it could also be viewed as preparation for the halving event and a response to increasing mining difficulty (Bitcoinist).

6. There is a general sentiment that the sell-off could lead to a period of sideways movement in the market for several months, following past halving patterns (Tweet by @ItsBitcoinWorld).

Given these points, it appears that there is a notable shift in power anticipated in the Bitcoin market, with miners potentially selling off a significant amount of their holdings post-halving. This could lead to increased volatility in the short term, but it also reflects the strategic decisions of miners in response to the halving event and the evolving dynamics of the cryptocurrency market.
The Solana v1.17.31 update has been released to address the network's congestion issues, which have been significantly slowing processing times and increasing transaction drop rates. This update is part of a broader effort by the Solana Foundation and Anza, a spinoff from Solana Labs, to tackle the ongoing congestion problems on the Solana network. The update, now recommended for general use by MainnetBeta validators, includes several enhancements. It tackles spam transactions, which have been a primary cause of congestion. The update also introduces improvements in how staked and non-staked packets are managed and enhances the BankingStage Forwarding Filter, crucial for maintaining the network's efficiency. Since the update, there have been positive reports from users and the community. Many have noted a significant improvement in network performance, with transactions processing more smoothly and the network experiencing less congestion. In summary, the Solana v1.17.31 update, dubbed "Goodbye Congestion, Hello Smooth Trading," appears to be delivering on its promise to alleviate the network's congestion issues, providing a smoother trading experience for users.
The Solana v1.17.31 update has been released to address the network's congestion issues, which have been significantly slowing processing times and increasing transaction drop rates. This update is part of a broader effort by the Solana Foundation and Anza, a spinoff from Solana Labs, to tackle the ongoing congestion problems on the Solana network.

The update, now recommended for general use by MainnetBeta validators, includes several enhancements. It tackles spam transactions, which have been a primary cause of congestion. The update also introduces improvements in how staked and non-staked packets are managed and enhances the BankingStage Forwarding Filter, crucial for maintaining the network's efficiency.

Since the update, there have been positive reports from users and the community. Many have noted a significant improvement in network performance, with transactions processing more smoothly and the network experiencing less congestion.

In summary, the Solana v1.17.31 update, dubbed "Goodbye Congestion, Hello Smooth Trading," appears to be delivering on its promise to alleviate the network's congestion issues, providing a smoother trading experience for users.
从最近的推文和报道来看,以太坊(ETH)的巨鲸活动呈现出一些有趣的动向。在过去几天里,大额的ETH交易和换手显示出巨鲸级别的投资者在积极地累积以太坊。 报道指出,在过去三天内,巨鲸从交易所提取了大量的ETH,其中包括Matrixport公司(56,176 ETH,约2亿美元)和一个未知的巨鲸(27,136 ETH,约9762万美元)。其他突出的交易包括一个巨鲸在14小时内花费了3511万美元购买了10,322个ETH,以及另一个巨鲸从Binance提取了22,251个ETH(约8006万美元)。巨鲸们在几天前还购买了54,721个ETH,这笔交易总额约为1亿6100万美元。 这些巨鲸的积极投资行为表明他们对以太坊的未来价格有信心,并可能会带来短期内的价格上涨。这些交易反映了巨鲸们在以太坊市场的投资热情,并且可能会影响其他投资者的行为。 然而,巨鲸活动并不总是能够稳定地预测以太坊的价格走势,因此,投资者应该谨慎观察市场动态并做出明智的决定。

报道指出,在过去三天内,巨鲸从交易所提取了大量的ETH,其中包括Matrixport公司(56,176 ETH,约2亿美元)和一个未知的巨鲸(27,136 ETH,约9762万美元)。其他突出的交易包括一个巨鲸在14小时内花费了3511万美元购买了10,322个ETH,以及另一个巨鲸从Binance提取了22,251个ETH(约8006万美元)。巨鲸们在几天前还购买了54,721个ETH,这笔交易总额约为1亿6100万美元。
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