Binance Suspends $AEUR Token Following Abnormal Volatility

Binance, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, announced on December 5, 2023, that it had suspended trading of the $AEUR token due to "abnormal volatility." The token, which is pegged to the euro, had surged by over 200% in a matter of hours before the suspension.

Reasons for Suspension

The exact reason for the suspension is still under investigation, but there are a few possible explanations. One possibility is that there was a bug in the $AEUR contract that allowed traders to mint new tokens without the required backing of euros. Another possibility is that there was a coordinated pump-and-dump scheme that artificially inflated the price of the token.

Impact of Suspension

The suspension of trading in $AEUR is likely to have a significant impact on the token's price. It is also possible that the token could be delisted from Binance altogether if the underlying issues are not resolved.

Timeline for Reactivation

Binance has not yet announced a timeline for when trading in $AEUR will resume. The exchange said that it would continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as they become available.

Community Reaction

The suspension of $AEUR has been met with mixed reactions from the cryptocurrency community. Some users are concerned about the potential for losses, while others are hopeful that the suspension will help to protect investors from further manipulation.


The suspension of trading in $AEUR is a reminder of the risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies. Investors should be aware that even seemingly stable tokens can experience sudden and dramatic price swings.


