Is a ponzi scheme a domino effect?

Incredible but true - a Ponzi scheme can be likened to a domino effect. Take care and only invest into projects you can trust. Always #DYOR

1. Early Investors Paid by New Investors: Early investors receive returns not from profit but from the investments of new participants.

2. Constant Need for New Investors: To maintain the appearance of profitability and continue paying returns, the scheme requires a continuous influx of new investors.

3. Inevitability of Collapse: When new investments slow down or stop, the scheme collapses because it can't fulfill the promised returns to earlier investors.

4. Chain Reaction of Losses: As soon as the inflow of new money stops, the lack of funds creates a domino effect where the scheme collapses rapidly, leading to significant losses for most participants.

This chain reaction, similar to a falling line of dominos, highlights the unsustainable nature of Ponzi schemes and the inevitable downfall when the recruitment of new investors halts.

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