Well, let's start by saying, you shouldn't hunt airdrops. Be airdrop-hunted.

This short article is intended for newcomers who are just entering the Web3 space and seeking airdrop opportunities. I frequently receive messages from these individuals, inquiring about how to initiate their journey on Layerzero, and I hope this article can assist them.

Firstly, let's establish that you shouldn't actively seek airdrops. Instead, position yourself to be discovered for airdrops.

Your primary objective when engaging with a new blockchain infrastructure or innovation is to explore it, as learning is both the process and the ultimate reward.

This way, you cannot lose, and if an airdrop does occur, it will merely serve as an additional motivational bonus.

By deliberately exploring Layerzero, for instance, you will enhance your positioning for a potential $ZRO airdrop and any other forthcoming airdrops. This will ultimately contribute to your proficiency in blockchain exploration.

How To Start?

Firstly, it's essential to establish that Layerzero functions as a bridge infrastructure, enhancing the overall cross-chain bridging experience. This signifies that to engage with Layerzero, you'll need to transfer funds (tokens) between different chains through dapps that are supported by the Layerzero platform.

So, identify dapps that are powered by Layerzero and begin interacting with them.

As you delve into Layerzero, begin your exploration by visiting their official website or Twitter page. Look for dapps that they have showcased, with special attention to those that have been consistently featured, such as Stargate.

As you grow more acquainted with the Layerzero ecosystem, focus on grasping the overall narrative and core vision. This will aid you in discerning the types of Layerzero activities that the creators are more likely to encourage. Essentially, strive to delve into the minds of the Layerzero founders to comprehend their comprehensive vision and aspirations.

While Layerzero serves as a distinctive bridge infrastructure, introducing a more streamlined approach to cross-chain bridging, it's important not to overlook its perhaps broader objective of unveiling innovative advancements. Notably, it aims to introduce new and unique token variants, specifically OFT (omnichain fungible tokens) and ONFT (omnichain non-fungible tokens).

Indeed, depending solely on generating volume across various chains and engaging with a diverse range of Layerzero-powered dapps like Stargate, Aptos Bridge, and PancakeSwap might prove inadequate. It's crucial to also explore dapps such as Merkly, which provides the capability to mint and bridge OFTs and ONFTs.

Remember Aptos? Even after conducting hundreds of testnet transactions, the eligibility criteria remained centered around minting a specific NFT. In my perspective, this choice was driven by the intention to highlight their blockchain's distinctive value proposition, setting it apart from other chains. This differentiation wasn't solely attributed to blockchain speed; rather, it emphasized the inherent capacity of their chain to empower developers in crafting advanced generative NFTs with potential features like on-chain royalty sharing and more.

Contrary to the prevailing notion of "generate large volume," it's crucial not to lose hope if you find yourself with limited capital. In cases of financial constraints, channel your efforts towards active involvement with a wider array of dapps on Layerzero, utilizing your available resources judiciously. Alternatively, you can pay special attention to exploring dapps like L2Marathon, Merkly, and HoloGraph, which showcase OFTs and ONFTs, to their maximum potential and while uncovering their innerworkings and prospective use

When bridging via the aforementioned dapps, try to be strategic in your approach to position yourself for other airdrops besides Layerzero's. For instance, if you know that Arbitrum Nova, Zksync Era, Zksync Lite, Base, Zora and Linea are tokenless chains, incorporate them into your bridging routes.

Lastly, consider exploring Telegram bots even if you're unable or choose not to use them actively. These bots can provide valuable insights into distinctive bridging routes curated by experienced airdrop hunters, contributing to enhancing your expertise and knowledge.

The Airdrop Secret They Don't Want You To Know.

In conclusion, avoid adopting the role of an airdrop hunter. Instead, approach these blockchain networks as platforms for growth and education. Study the ongoing developments, delve into the thought processes behind them, gain deeper insights into the individuals who utilize these chains, and subsequently embark on building your own projects while overseeing the administration of airdrops. The moment for action has arrived!