Why am I confident that an interest rate cut is imminent and a bull market will follow?

Today is June 22nd, and I firmly believe that an interest rate cut is on the horizon, which will spark a bull market. Don't be misled by so-called "big experts" who use complicated jargon to confuse and charge fees. The logic of the financial world is straightforward: when big funds buy, prices rise; when they sell, prices fall.

To profit from cryptocurrency investments, you must consider the macroeconomic landscape. Interest rate cuts, often referred to as "flooding," have significant impacts. Here’s why a US interest rate cut leads to explosive growth in the crypto market:

1. The seesaw effect: when commodity prices rise, stock prices tend to fall, and vice versa.

2. Consequences of a US interest rate cut:

- Commodity prices in countries with "flooding" policies rise.

- Funds flow into developing countries.

- Stock markets in these "flooding" countries fall.

This contradicts many "big experts" because they often misunderstand economic fundamentals.

3. Impact of a US interest rate hike: It can cause economic crises in dollar-linked economies, leading to unstable exchange rates, a stronger dollar, and a flow of global funds into the US. These funds are then funneled into U.S. stocks through Wall Street giants via Treasury bonds. The reverse happens when rates are cut.

4. Risk of a US interest rate cut: Capital might flow out of the United States.

5. US strategy to mitigate risks: The US often reduces financial risks by engaging in military actions abroad, as seen in past Middle East conflicts coinciding with rate cuts.

Understanding these points clarifies why I assert that an interest rate cut is imminent and a bull market is on the way.