We often see that people show many online apps that shows predicted volume analysis. These app predict future market value of a crypto by it's current market activity.

Actually, the future of one crypto is defined by you, me, other investors and most importantly by it's purpose. It's not a computer program that changes value randomly by itself. We decide if it's market value goes up or down by investing or stepping away from it.

But then comes it's purpose. As we know, #IO is launced to develop and broad the area of #AI. Therefore bigger investors are involved in this crypto. Most of them are currently waiting to see it's result whether the idea of this crypto show a good result or not. Most likely some of them would risk the money in this to make the future better. But if the result goes positive, the price of this crypto will go skyrocketed.

Lastly, you and me can define it's shorter future but in the long run it's pretty ensuring that this crypto will hit.