In this ongoing struggling cryptocurrency market investors and traders to predict the move. Amid this situation, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and London’s Metropolitan Police have arrested two individuals suspected of running an unregistered crypto business worth approximately $1.3 billion.

FCA and London police arrest two individual billion illegal crypto business 

According to the FCA’s statement on Thursday, more than 1 billion pounds in unregistered crypto assets were traded through this business. The suspects, aged 38 and 44, were questioned by the FCA and have been released on bail. During the investigation, the FCA inspected the suspects’ offices, while the police seized several digital devices from two residential properties in London.

The investigation is ongoing, and the FCA has refrained from providing additional details at this stage. Since January 2021, businesses offering crypto asset services in the UK must register with the FCA under anti-money laundering regulations. To date, only 44 companies have successfully registered, out of over 300 applicants.

The UK government has also recently granted police more authority to seize and freeze crypto assets during investigations. This move is part of a broader effort to combat financial crimes involving cryptocurrencies.

FCA’s executive director’s words on illegal crypto business 

“The FCA plays a crucial role in keeping illicit funds out of the UK financial system,” said Therese Chambers, FCA’s Executive Director of Enforcement and Market Oversight. “These arrests demonstrate our commitment to preventing illegal crypto operations in the UK. We will continue to use our enforcement powers to their fullest extent to protect consumers and maintain market integrity.”

This enforcement action follows criticism from the National Audit Office, the UK’s spending watchdog, which recently called out the FCA for its slow response in taking enforcement actions. The watchdog highlighted the need for more prompt and decisive actions to tackle financial misconduct and safeguard the interests of the public and legitimate businesses.

As the investigation continues, this case highlights the increasing scrutiny and regulatory measures being applied to the rapidly growing crypto industry in the UK. The arrests highlight the ongoing challenges in regulating digital assets and the importance of robust enforcement to prevent illegal activities and protect the financial system.