Even though the market is in the red, #Astarnetwork remains consistent in bringing various milestones that have been achieved and several updates in the future. Here we see what Astar wants to do:

  • Burn $ASTR Tokens from Genesis Supply by 5%. This burned supply comes from the reserve allocation for the Parachain Auction on Polkadot. Because Parachain Auction has changed to Polkadot 2.0, this supply is no longer needed and the community agrees. The number of tokens burned was 350M ASTR

  • Within a period of ~2 years, the supply was staked, and a reward of ~72 million ASTR was obtained. This will be included in the Community Treasury, then restaking will be carried out for projects that are included in the Unstoppable Community Grant (UCG) program.

  • Astar Governance is entering a new era. Currently, we are starting to slowly decentralize government, with the activation of Astar Townhall. Users can participate by submitting proposals, participation is expected from all users in existing proposals.

  • In the last Community Call, ASTR rewards will be distributed at the end of July to users who participate in the Astar zkEVM launching campaign, Yoki Origin. Eligibility requirements will be announced shortly.

  • dApp Staking has entered Period 002, currently all ASTR stakes are in a lock condition and users are required to restake projects / dApps that were previously supported.

  • Several projects / dApps on dApp Staking airdrop their native tokens to users who stake in their projects. Some examples include deStore, Neurolanche, Very Long Swap, etc.

  • Any users who bridge ASTR token between Astar Native to Astar zkEVM will eligible for LayerZero airdrop.

  • Don't forgot to GM :)

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