AI is making significant strides in the crypto industry, expanding its influence from foundational infrastructure to direct user applications. This shift is expected to enhance the user experience and increase the efficiency of transactions.

In the realm of public chains, AI can optimize network performance and security. By learning from historical data, AI can predict and prevent potential threats, ensuring the stability and reliability of the chain.

Algorithmic stablecoins, another crucial aspect of the crypto world, can also benefit from AI. AI can help manage the supply and demand of these coins, maintaining their stability and reducing the risk of volatility.

NFTs and GameFi are two emerging sectors where AI can play a transformative role. AI can help in creating unique, non-fungible tokens and enhancing the gaming experience by introducing intelligent elements.

In conclusion, AI's integration into the crypto world is revolutionizing the industry, from public chains and stablecoins to NFTs and GameFi, offering promising prospects for the future.