B Kucoin figured out why users switched to meme tokens

According to a June study by crypto exchange Kucoin, crypto market participants are increasingly turning their attention to memcoins, including those dedicated to celebrities. This trend is due to investor frustration with projects that have a high fully diluted value (FDV) and low initial market capitalization.

Meanwhile, Tap-to-Earn Projects have "significantly higher overall participation data" due to lower barriers to participation.

Diluted value is the total value of a cryptocurrency project assuming all of its tokens, including blockchain tokens, are in circulation. A high level of this metric potentially indicates a decline in token value, especially if blocked tokens come into circulation.

To illustrate the change in investor behavior, the Kucoin paper shows the dynamics of Notcoin launched with 100% of tokens in circulation.

From the beginning, Notcoin was launched with 100% of tokens in circulation. After a while, by the end of May, the price and trading volume of $NOT increased significantly. This fact increased the overall market attention to Tap To Earn and Minigame products in general," the researchers wrote.

In addition, Tap To Earn projects are claimed to have "significantly higher overall participation data" due to lowered barriers to participation compared to other gamefi or "move to earn" projects.

The claimed high-performance and scalable architecture of the $TON technology provides robust support for Notcoin, ensuring a smooth gaming experience. Moreover, Notcoin's integration with Telegram significantly reduces customer acquisition costs and rapidly expands the user community.