The characteristics of the new cycle

We are still at the beginning of the big cycle. For now, the market is rising or falling mainly from the old participants. Few new investors have entered the game and these mainly from ETFs.

Proof of this is that the accounts of those who are considered influencers, that is, those who have the power to influence the opinion of a portion of the public, due to knowledge or a privileged relationship they enjoy with a certain audience, have not significantly increased in followers.

We also haven't seen widespread media coverage yet. However, it is only a matter of time before it becomes available. If, for example, $BTC reaches 100,000 dollars, even cooking sites will play the news.

How are these signs interpreted? That we are at the beginning of the cycle. A cycle that will include the most massive bull run in history. What feature will the new cycle have? Everyone will start looking for information. Not so for $BTC . New entrants to the space will find it expensive. A train they missed.

They will look to place their money in the smaller coins . This is the type of information they will be looking for. Will the " new Bitcoin " succeed? History has shown that they will be wrong. In Bitcoin talk there are generally two conditions that seem to apply every time. Everyone always feels that now is too late to buy and everyone wishes they had bought more. However, younger people do not know this. They will find out, just like everyone else. The hard way.

Not that there can't be impressive returns on smaller coins. In no way do I claim any such thing. It is not at all unusual for a smaller project to multiply its value 100 times or more. That is why it is not a bad idea for anyone willing to take a risk to place a small part of their crypto-portfolio in meme coins. It just requires attention, composure, knowledge and of course luck, in order to choose the most worthy ones.

However, it has to be done right.