Here are some tips to stay calm when the crypto market is declining:

Maintain perspective. Market fluctuations are normal and expected. Focus on your long-term investment strategy rather than obsessing over short-term price movements.

Avoid emotional decision making. Don't let fear or panic drive you to make rash decisions like selling at a loss. Stick to your plan.

Take a break from checking prices. Constantly watching the markets go up and down can increase anxiety. Step away from the charts for a while.

Learn from past experience. This likely isn't the first crypto downturn you've witnessed. Reflect on how you navigated previous dips.

Consider averaging down. If you still believe in the long-term potential, buying more at lower prices can lower your cost basis.

Talk to someone. Discuss your concerns with a level-headed friend or financial advisor to gain some rational perspective.

Diversify your portfolio. Don't put all your eggs in the crypto basket. Having other investment types can provide stability.

Stay focused on your goals. Remind yourself why you invested in crypto in the first place - for the potential long-term gains.

The crypto markets are highly volatile. Accepting this reality and maintaining disciplined strategies can help you calmly weather the storms.