It is not so esay ☹️

Sorry for All Newcomers Hoping to Profit from the Promised Bull Run

In the world of cryptocurrency, the promise of imminent bull runs has become a recurring narrative, enticing new investors with visions of substantial gains. However, many of these hopefuls have found themselves ensnared in a web of unmet expectations and declining market values. Since April, the crypto community has been awash with predictions of surging prices, yet the overall market has largely contracted since March, with some assets witnessing significant declines dating back to last year.

The crypto market, often lauded for its potential to democratize finance, has instead revealed a darker side characterized by fraud and injustice. The structure of this volatile market seems to disproportionately benefit the wealthy and those who wield significant control over the coins. These insiders reap profits at the expense of ordinary investors, many of whom have staked their life savings in the hopes of securing a comfortable retirement. Despite persistent bull run rhetoric since May, the reality has been a steady backward slide, leaving countless individuals disillusioned and financially wounded. The situation underscores a critical need for greater transparency and regulation to protect the interests of all market participants, not just the elite few.
