One of the most common problems that every novice crypto trader/investor faces is deciding the structure of his crypto portfolio while distributing his investment between $BTC and other #altcoins . Let me draw few basic rules for you in this regard:.

1. $BTC is meant for stability and if you are investing less than 5000$, you will not be able to make considerable gains like 10x or 15x. Because it will take for $BTC market cap to reach 10 - 15 trillions to make that happen. Which seems a bit unrealistic at the moment.

2. Major altcoins like $BNB and $ETh etc are good for investors having around 2000$ to 4000$ at least to make considerable gains.

3. Whereas memcoins or Low cap coins are quite volatile and it is very hard to choose the right coins.

4. So than, how one can set his portfolio to be profitable and yet has stability. This is my ratio of coins since last many years and has made me profitable.

a. 35-40 % of your portfolio should be #Bitcoin . So, you can have the much needed stability and peace of mind. It helps with the problem of panic selling.

b. 25-30% of your portfolio should be #altcoins . It helps you understand the nature of crypto market. And makes you big gains if your choices and timings are right.

c. 15-20 % should be #memcoins . They always give profits, if you can spot them while they are down.

d. The rest should be low cap coins.

Regards. Plz follow so our mutual journey together can sail to new horizons.