What Are the Odds of Earning Commission on Binance Square?

Are you considering writing on Binance Square in hopes of earning commission? You're not alone. With a multitude of users participating, the chances of conversion might seem small.

Roughly estimating based on the number of users and assuming you're an average writer, the probability of earning commission might be slim. However, persistence and quality content could tilt the odds in your favor.

Anyways, the promotion is still on; so you can WRITE & EARN if you are persuasive and lucky, just a little bit.

You get $FDUSD as a commission if your content converts well.

Link: https://app.binance.com/uni-qr/cpos/9363899012161?r=722821959&l=en&uco=sm1mDOAasbeqjQc9_AERLQ&uc=app_square_share_link&us=copylink

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